Check Point TAC 支援升級路徑

若出於任何原因需要升級服務請求 (Service Request),請按照下列流程操作。





  1. 登入 使用者中心
  2. 在導航功能中,選擇「支援」/「協助」/「查看服務請求」
  3. 開啟服務請求,接著點擊右上角的「回應給經理」按鈕。

立即/嚴重性層級 1

1. Phone – Call the following TAC phone numbers and request to speak with the Manager on Duty: Canada: +1 (888) 361 5030/+1 (613) 271 7950 EMEA: +44-114 478 2845 Americas: (US) +1 (972) 444-6600 Australia: 1800 805 793 New Zealand: 0800 443 601 India: 0008000507005 2. EmailFill out the Online Escalation Form Upon escalation, the Customer Support Senior Management will receive the email. The Manager on Duty will assume responsibility, lead the communication with the customer, and define the next steps/action plan in order to expedite resolution. For Severity-1 incidents, an internal protocol will be triggered with visibility to TAC senior management, until resolution or mitigation of the incident. For licensing and account related issues, please contact Account Services.

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