
Gateway Health Check

Our Gateway Health Check service boosts security performance while minimizing exposure to emerging risks. Enhances security, efficiency, and performance with expert analysis and tailored recommendations.

The Gateway HealthCheck takes diagnostic information from customer gateways (via a secure upload to Check Point servers) and uses internal tools to analyze the information and generate reports based on the information found. A Professional Services Consultant reviews the reports and underlying information to make customized recommendations for the security gateway configuration.

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  • In-depth checks of every aspect of your GW performance
  • Performance tuning recommendations
  • Improved operational stability and proactive assessment of your gateway devices



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Professional Services Consultant will provide you with a lightweight utility to collect the required security configuration information that can be uploaded to a secure environment for analysis. The data will be analyzed, and a custom report will be created with specific recommendations around optimization of your environment.


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In Person & Virtual


Check Point Infinity 全球服務提供端到端安全服務,讓您能夠增強團隊的專業知識、設計最佳實務並即時預防威脅。 無論您處於網路安全之旅的哪個階段,我們都從那裡開始。 我們的精英專家將與您的團隊合作,將您的組織提升到新的保護等級並制定您的網路彈性計劃。


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