
Quantum Spark 透過方便使用的全方位網路資安解決方案來因應中小企業面臨的挑戰,非常適合中小企業和 MSP,可確保最佳效能和強大防護能力。


Quantum Spark 如何保護業務資訊安全

Quantum Spark 次世代防火牆提供人工智慧驅動的威脅防護效能,最高可達 5 Gbps,網路攻擊阻擋率高達 99.7%,具有適用於各種使用案例的可擴展網路資安防護功能,採用方便設定的零接觸佈建模式,並整合了 IoT 和軟體定義廣域網路等雲端資安服務,為 MSP 提供整合式雲端管理。​​

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  • Spark 提供多樣化的次世代防火牆解決方案,可提供適用於任何中小型企業的威脅防護效能,最高可達 5 Gbps。
  • 多種最佳連接埠密度選擇,可適應各種使用案例,無論是何種中小企業規模,皆可實現出色的網路效率

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  • Wi-Fi 6、5G 和智慧型軟體定義廣域網路等進階安全與連線方案,可實現強大的網路資安防護和最佳效能
  • 自主式 IoT 資安防護,確保已連線的裝置之資訊安全,又不會增加複雜性
  • 重新設計且方便使用的介面,提供開箱即用的設定,帶來流暢高效的體驗

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適用於 MSP 的整合式雲端管理

  • 跨所有客戶進行自動化威脅分析和原則管理,輕鬆管理資安軟體授權,並透過統一的 MSP 儀表板嚴密地監控連線情形



  • 集中管理式中小企業閘道器,支援統一的存取原則、原則層和子原則
  • 方便使用的全新介面,搭載開箱即用的設定,讓 MSP 能夠立即實現針對多個中小企業客戶的順暢管理
  • 透過提供多種多樣的威脅防護通量、連接埠密度和網際網路連線選擇,提升各種規模中小企業的網路效率
  • Smart Accel 可將低風險、高頻寬應用程式的效能提高 30%。
  • 整合式雲端資安服務,包括 Quantum 軟體定義廣域網路和 Quantum IoT 防護


Quantum Spark NGFWs for Any Business Size

The Quantum Spark family of NGFWs support businesses ranging from one all the way to 1,000 employees, providing SMBs with a powerful combination of AI-powered threat prevention, easy management, and scalability.

Quantum Spark 1500 Pro Series for Small Business

These gateways leverage the same level of threat prevention security used by the world’s largest enterprises, tailored to protect your SMB from cyberattacks.

  • Integrated AI-powered threat prevention up to 900 Mbps to protect against zero-day, phishing, DNS, and ransomware attacks
  • All-in-one security and connectivity to secure more users with optimized internet connectivity; Wi-Fi 6, 5G, and SD-WAN for performance-based routing
  • 開箱即可使用的零接觸配置、可隨時隨地用於排除威脅的行動應用程式以及方便使用者進行管理和統整報告的的整合式系統儀表板


Secure Your Network: Try Our Product Selector

Streamline network security decisions with our product selector. Find the right solutions to safeguard your networks without hassle.

Quantum Spark 1600/1800/1900/2000 for Medium Business

These gateways offer high-performance network security at scale with zero-touch provisioning, advanced cloud management, and automated threat management capabilities, ideal for medium business use cases.

  • Accelerated threat prevention performance up to 6.5 Gbps with a 99.7% block rate against phishing, malware, DNS, and IoT attacks.
  • High port density 1 RU firewalls covering a wide range of medium business use cases to consolidate networking needs
  • Enhanced network resilience, efficiency and flexibility with integrated switches and a dual power supply to eliminate the need for external switches and maximize operations with minimal downtime
  • Advanced cloud management capabilities for MSPs, featuring a network operational view that enables automation of threat management for customers.

FULL SPECS 1600/1800 FULL SPECS 1900/2000

Secure Your Network: Try Our Product Selector

Streamline network security decisions with our product selector. Find the right solutions to safeguard your networks without hassle.

Lower the complexity of managing your security

Quantum Spark cloud management enables service providers to provision security efficiently across all products and services from the Infinity Portal.

  • Unified logs and dashboards to manage hundreds of thousands of Quantum Spark firewalls for MSPs to easily manage their SMB customers
  • Enhanced network operational view that enables streamlined automation of threat management for customers
  • Centralized hub for customer services, licenses, and proactive security monitoring made accessible through a unified dashboard

Secure Your Network: Try Our Product Selector

Streamline network security decisions with our product selector. Find the right solutions to safeguard your networks without hassle.


Quantum SD-WAN

Quantum SD-WAN是一款在 Quantum 閘道器中啟動的軟體刀鋒,部署於分支機構層級,可在全方位預防零時差、網路釣魚和勒索軟體等網路攻擊的同時,為使用者和 10,000 多個應用程式提供最佳化路由器。

Quantum IoT Protect

Quantum IoT 防護是適用於 Quantum 閘道器的軟體刀鋒,這款自主式 IoT 威脅防護解決方案可保護貴公司免受物聯網和裝置上的網路攻擊。

Harmony Email & Collaboration


Harmony Endpoint

Harmony 端點是一款全面的端點資安解決方案,旨在保護遠端工作者免受當今複雜的威脅環境影響,透過單一用戶端,藉由進階 EPP、EDR 和 XDR 功能提供全面的端點資安防護。



伯明罕市公立學校 (BPS)

cs 伯明罕

「Quantum Spark 防火牆最讓我驚訝的是它的易用性。一開始我以為一定要是網路安全專家才會使用,後來發現它真的是非常直覺易用。這款產品所提供的報告和可見性對我們來說非常有價值。」

Zach Riley Kelly,技術服務執行董事


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Quantum Spark 設備手冊

Quantum Spark 系列次世代防火牆 (NGFW)

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