Check Point Press Releases

Check Point Software Supports Rakia Mission to Space

Hosting control room facilities and cyber security services from its headquarters in Tel Aviv, Check Point Software will help protect the International Space Station mission

San Carlos, CA  —  Thu, 07 Apr 2022

Check Point® Software Technologies Ltd. (NASDAQ: CHKP), a leading provider of cyber security solutions globally, is supporting the Rakia Israeli space mission by hosting the communication to the specialized control centre, located at its headquarters in Tel Aviv where it will also be accommodating a visitor center. On April 8th, Israeli astronaut Eytan Stibbe is scheduled to take off from Cape Canaveral, Florida on a mission to the International Space Station (ISS). Whilst there, he will conduct 35 experiments, ranging from research in food and agriculture, medical testing, the impact of microgravity on plastic degradation, to experiments with transient luminous events, and more. The mission is set to last 8 to 10 days.


As part of the undertaking, a unique Rakia Mission Center has been built at the Check Point Software offices in Tel Aviv. This will include a control room from which scientists, artists and educators can monitor the activities of Eytan Stibbe and enable them to make necessary changes to experiments in real-time, while conducting a direct dialogue with the control room of the ISS in the United States.


“In recent years, civilian companies have spent billions of dollars trying to create an ‘easy’ path into space which has created new technologies but in turn, new challenges for cyber security,” said Oded Vanunu, Head of Product Vulnerabilities Research at Check Point Software Technologies. “With a huge amount of communication and data between spacecraft and Earth, every phase of the Rakia mission needs to be protected. We are proud to secure this vital communications between the space station and our control centre on Earth.”


The mission will enable Israeli entrepreneurs and researchers to advance innovative ideas and will provide a rare opportunity for them to test their enterprises in a unique study environment, thereby contributing to international and Israeli research industries. The visitor center, hosted by Check Point, will make the Rakia Mission Centre accessible to thousands of students, allowing them to experience the human journey into space through interactive elements and inspiring educational activities. The center is divided into five complexes, each representing a different aspect of the mission:


  1. The International Space Station Complex
  2. The “Rakia” Mission Complex
  3. The Scientific Experiments Complex
  4. The Life in the International Space Station Complex
  5. The Inspirational “There is no dream too far away” Complex.


Visitors will be able to experience a visualization of the Crisper experiment from Tel Aviv University and the Volcanic Institute, which will test genetic diagnosis of viruses and bacteria in space missions under micro-gravity conditions. In addition, a remote medical experiment will be simulated – stress detection and monitoring the well-being of remote astronauts, by “Sheba Medical Center”, which recognizes the development of emotional distress and stressful situations through an app. The app will analyze the emotional state of visitors, just like that of astronauts on the space station. The inspirational “No Dream Too Far” area is a special photography exhibit that demonstrates the “Coppola” aka the window through which the astronauts observe the Earth from the International Space Station.


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About Check Point Software Technologies Ltd.

Check Point Software Technologies Ltd. ( is a leading provider of cyber security solutions to governments and corporate enterprises globally. Its solutions protect customers from 5th generation cyber-attacks with an industry leading catch rate of malware, ransomware and other types of attacks. Check Point offers multilevel security architecture, “Infinity” Total Protection with Gen V advanced threat prevention, which defends enterprises’ cloud, network and mobile device held information. Check Point provides the most comprehensive and intuitive one point of control security management system. Check Point protects over 100,000 organizations of all sizes.


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