Keep company data out of unsanctioned apps, protect against malicious SaaS, and keep hackers at bay
Secure your SaaS environment with advanced protection for access, integrations, and logins
Shut down severe threats upon detection to prevent further data loss and damage to your business
Get a full mapping of your SaaS ecosystem including interconnected SaaS applications
Monitor your third-party SaaS integrations to identify and remediate security gaps
保護您的員工免受網路威脅。網頁篩選可防止存取有害網站,而惡意軟體防護可防止廣泛的網路攻擊,包括勒索軟體、零時差攻擊、病毒和進階持續威脅 (APT)。
一種安全的站對站連接方法。探索唯一配備 Check Point ThreatCloud AI 的軟體定義廣域網路,以增強安全性,並優化 10,000 多個業務應用程式的交付。