如何提高 SOC 的有效性

由於雲端運算、物聯網 (IoT)、行動裝置和遠端工作的廣泛採用,網路安全威脅情勢正在迅速發展,組織的攻擊面也不斷擴大。因此,安全操作中心 (SOC) 團隊正在努力跟上網絡犯罪分子並保持領先一步。

錯過或未被偵測到的攻擊可能會造成嚴重的財務損失。 數據洩露的平均成本為 3.86 萬美元,對於擁有超過 25,000 名員工的企業而言,這個數字增加到 5.52 億美元。 僅在 2019 年報告了超過 7,000 個漏洞,網絡安全性不佳的組織對於負擔的成本是很大的。

申請示範 IDC 提升您的 SOC


SOC 團隊負責維護組織的網絡安全性。 這包括對組織環境執行 24/7 監控,以及調查和回應任何潛在的安全事件。

SOC 團隊的規模可能會根據組織的規模、其對網絡安全的承諾和其他因素而有所不同。 然而,目前的網絡安全技能差距意味著大多數組織都在努力填補其安全團隊中的關鍵角色,而 SOC 團隊比預期小。

隨著職責擴大,SOC 無法成長,意味著 SOC 團隊必須最大限度地提高效率才能有效。 為此,他們需要實施正確的工具、程序和流程。

  • 縮短回應時間

對於 SOC 分析師能夠快速偵測攻擊跡象、調查相關活動,並開始修復以關閉威脅,非常重要。 網絡攻擊者在組織系統上無限制地探索的時間越少,他們就越少入侵高價值資產並竊取敏感信息的機會。

Check Point Infinity enables SOC security teams to expose, investigate, and shut down attacks faster and with 99.9% precision. Infinity automatically identifies even the stealthiest attacks from millions of daily logs and alerts with unrivalled accuracy, powered by AI-based incident analysis.

  • 將違規影響降至最低

SOC 所做的一切都是最大限度地減少違規對組織的影響。 SOC 在縮短攻擊停留時間(即偵測前的時間)的工作有助於最大程度地減少漏洞影響。 有效的 SoC 可以在其成為重大漏洞之前偵測和修復小型安全事件方面有所影響。 根據嚴重性和情境化、豐富的威脅情報對安全事件進行優先排序,可以幫助 SOC 團隊快速偵測和回應威脅。

Infinity automatically triages alerts to enable a SOC team to identify and respond quickly to the most critical attacks. Infinity is powered by ThreatCloud AI, the world’s most powerful threat intelligence database, enabling teams to quickly search for in-depth live intelligence on any indicator of compromise (IOC), including global spread, attack timelines and patterns, malware DNA and more. This enables SOC teams to overcome common challenges and achieve the certainty that they need to do their job.

  • 提高安全能見度

SOC 運營商了解,他們對其系統的了解越多,識別針對它們的攻擊就越容易。

Infinity utilizes AI-based incident analysis to pinpoint real security incidents across your networks, cloud, endpoints, mobile devices, and IoT. The overview dashboard enables the SOC team to clearly see their organization’s security posture through a single pane of glass.

  • 保持攻擊者領先一步

SoC 的目標是超越反應性事件響應,並努力發展其活動,以包括主動式威脅搜索。 最隱密的攻擊者努力避免發現,這就是為什麼資深的 SOC 分析師篩選數字線索以找到攻擊的早期證據,這些攻擊可能不總是觸發警報,但仍然值得調查的原因。

Infinity exposes even the stealthiest attacks with 99.9% precision by leveraging a multi-layered approach to detection:


#2.外部威脅視覺性:利用 ThreatCloud 人工智慧對即時網路流量的全球視覺性來偵測組織外部的外部威脅。

#3。威脅情資:利用威脅情資和 ThreatCloud 人工智能的力量豐富每個警報,並透過大數據分析將各個點連接起來,以發現最複雜的攻擊,例如由高級持續威脅 (APT) 執行的攻擊。

#4. AI-Generated Verdict: Running AI-based incident analysis on top of the aggregated information (from all the layers mentioned above) to accurately determine whether an event relates to malicious activity. Infinity SOC’s AI-based engines have been trained and validated by some of the world’s largest SOCs.

Infinity provides you with the tools and threat intelligence that enable you to conduct in-depth and faster investigations. With Infinity, you can perform a search on any IOCs to obtain rich, contextualized threat intelligence that includes geographical spread, targeted industries, attack timeline, and methods.

Optimizing Your SOC’s Performance with Infinity

Check Point Infinity XDR/XPR, a cloud-based platform that enables security teams to expose, investigate, and shut down attacks faster, and with 99.9% precision, can dramatically increase the effectiveness of your organization’s SOC team. Infiity unifies threat prevention, detection, investigation and remediation in a single platform to give unrivalled security and operational efficiency.

Contact us to learn more about Infinity and how it can help to improve your organization’ security posture. Of course, you’re also welcome to  request a demo to see Infinity in action.

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