已經有一段時間了 cyberattacks have been a major concern for all organizations. In 2021, several cyberattacks demonstrated the willingness and ability of cyber threat actors to disrupt the operations of businesses and the supply chains that rely upon them. These high-profile attacks spurred an Executive Order on Cybersecurity in the United States and a renewed focus on securing every aspect of a business’ cyber threat surface.
所有行業和公司都面臨網絡風險,但某些行業比其他行業更有針對性和風險。 金融行業在這些行業中脫穎而出,因為它們擁有大量敏感和有價值的信息供攻擊者目標,並且網絡犯罪分子可以從他們的攻擊中獲利的許多潛在機會。
根據 IBM 的數據 2021 Cost of a Data Breach Report,金融行業的數據洩露成本是醫療保健行業的第二高成本。 威瑞森公司 資料外洩調查報告 (DBIR)將金融行業在 2021 年安全事件數量排名前五名。 存取可用於欺詐和其他網路攻擊的寶貴資料,使金融業成為昂貴且有害資料外洩的目標。
但是,數據洩露並不是銀行面臨的唯一風險。 銀行也持續受到勒索軟體感染、網路釣魚計畫和帳戶接管攻擊的威脅。這些威脅可能會導致資料外洩、營運中斷,以及昂貴的補救措施。
許多類型的網絡攻擊旨在提供 惡意軟體 到組織的系統。 銀行面臨的一些最常見的惡意軟體威脅包括:
金融行業是全球最受監管的行業之一。 雖然這會產生額外的開銷,但也有利於網路安全。
Protection of sensitive customer data is a primary goal of most regulations, including both general ones such as the EU’s GDPR and those targeted specifically at the financial industry. These regulations commonly mandate that a bank implement certain security controls, processes, and procedures intended to protect the sensitive data entrusted to the organization.
Developing and implementing a regulatory compliance strategy is an important first step toward securing a bank’s systems against cyber threats. Regulatory requirements outline the minimum security standards that financial institutions need to meet and can build upon to protect themselves against modern cyber threats.
為了防止網絡風險, 金融服務組織 需要了解他們面臨的威脅。 要了解有關金融部門目前的網絡威脅環境的更多信息,請查看 此白皮書。
Check Point 提供 整合的安全架構 for financial institutions looking to protect themselves against cyber threats and meet regulatory compliance requirements. To learn more about how Check Point solutions can work for your organization, you’re welcome to 報名參加免費示範。