What is a Cyber Attack?

A cyber attack is an assault launched by cybercriminals using one or more computers against a single or multiple computers or networks. A cyber attack can maliciously disable computers, steal data, or use a breached computer as a launch point for other attacks. Cybercriminals use a variety of methods to launch a cyber attack, including malware, phishing, ransomware, denial of service, among other methods.

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What is a Cyber Attack?



2023 年的決定性特徵之一是人工智慧 (AI) 在網路安全領域的快速崛起。ChatGPT 在 2023 年的最後幾個月公開發布,被認為是突破性和獨特的。 幾個月內,出現了數百或數千個新工具和項目,將生成式人工智慧和大型語言模型 (LLM) 應用於各種不同的任務。



While companies such as OpenAI have attempted to build defenses into their tools, they have met with limited success. Research has demonstrated that these restrictions can be easily bypassed, allowing cybercriminals to leverage these tools to increase the scale and sophistication of their attacks.




勒索軟體業者也使用各種技術來擴大攻擊規模。2023 年,利用供應鏈零日脆弱性,CL0P 和 LockBit 勒索軟體組織對許多公司進行了大規模、同時的攻擊。

趨勢 #3: 黑客主義

黑客主義者以政治動機進行網絡攻擊。 儘管 Anonymous 等組織多年來已經進行此類攻擊,但 2022 年和 2023 年上半年的國家相關黑客主義攻擊的劇烈上升。


這些攻擊通常採用分散式阻斷服務(DDoS) 攻擊來破壞位於特定民族國家的組織的運作。例如,俄羅斯附屬的 Killnet 已針對西方醫療保健組織,而支持伊斯蘭匿名蘇丹則攻擊了斯堪的納維亞航空公司,美國醫療保健組織和微軟。

趨勢 #4 行動威脅

In recent years, mobile device usage has increased dramatically in the workplace. This trend is driven by the growth of remote work and bring-your-own-device (BYOD) policies.

因此,網路犯罪分子將注意力集中在破壞這些行動裝置上,行動惡意軟體的數量和品質急劇增長。最近的行動惡意軟體活動(例如 FluHorse)針對行動裝置上的雙重認證(2FA) 程式碼,而 FakeCalls 則會產生冒充金融應用程式的詐騙語音通話。Triangulation 活動強調了 iOS 安全格局的變化,因為網路犯罪分子在以前被認為比 Android 同類產品安全得多的裝置中利用了零點擊脆弱性。

Cyberattacks in the News

Russia/Ukraine conflict

Check Point Research (CPR) has released information on cyber attacks that have been seen in the context of the ongoing Russia-Ukraine conflict. In the first three days of battle, cyber attacks on Ukraine’s government and military sector increased by an astounding 196%. The number of cyber attacks on Russian businesses has climbed by 4%.
Phishing emails in East Slavic languages grew sevenfold, with a third of those malicious phishing emails being sent from Ukrainian email addresses to Russian receivers.

Apache Log4j Vulnerability

A severe remote code execution (RCE) vulnerability in the Apache logging package Log4j 2 versions 2.14.1 and below was reported on December 9th 2021 (CVE-2021-44228). With over 400,000 downloads from its GitHub repository, Apache Log4j is the most popular java logging package. It is used by a large number of enterprises throughout the world and allows users to log in to a variety of popular applications. It’s easy to exploit this flaw, which allows threat actors to take control of java-based web servers and perform remote code execution assaults.

SolarWinds Sunburst Attack

The world is now facing what seems to be a 5th generation cyber-attack – a sophisticated, multi-vector attack with clear characteristics of the cyber pandemic. Named Sunburst by researchers, we believe this is one of the most sophisticated and severe attacks ever seen. The attack has been reported to impact major US government offices as well as many private sector organizations.

This series of attacks was made possible when hackers were able to embed a backdoor into SolarWinds software updates. Over 18,000 companies and government offices downloaded what seemed to be a regular software update on their computers, but was actually a Trojan horse. By leveraging a common IT practice of software updates, the attackers utilized the backdoor to compromise the organization’s assets enabling them to spy on the organization and access its data. For more information visit our Sunburst attack hub.

Ransomware Attacks

The resurgence of ransomware has been growing. Small local and state government agencies, mainly in the southeastern part of the U.S., have been victimized. Digital transformation is eroding traditional network perimeters with the adoption of cloud computing, cloud-based subscription services, and the ubiquity of mobile devices. This increased expansion of vectors means more ways to attack an organization.

In Q3 2020 Check Point Research saw a 50% increase in the daily average of ransomware attacks, compared to the first half of the year,  Organizations worldwide were under a massive wave of ransomware attacks, with healthcare as the most targeted industry
As these attacks continue to mature both in frequency and intensity, their impact on business has grown exponentially. The Top ransomware types were Maze and Ryuk

Types of Cyberattacks

Cyber threats of generation V and VI are now a reality for businesses. Cybercriminals are aware of recent advancements in company cybersecurity and have adapted their attacks to circumvent and defeat traditional safeguards. To avoid detection, modern cyber attacks are multi-vectored and use polymorphic code. As a result, detecting and responding to threats is more challenging than ever.

Cybercriminals’ primary target and an organization’s first line of defense in the remote work world is the endpoint. Securing the remote workforce necessitates an understanding of the most common cyber risks that employees experience, as well as endpoint security solutions capable of detecting, preventing, and resolving these assaults.

Cyberattacks come in a variety of different forms. Cybercriminals use many different methods to launch a cyber attack, a phishing attack, an exploitation of compromised credentials, and more. From this initial access, cybercriminals can go on to achieve different objectives including malware infections, ransomware, denial of service attack, data theft, and more.

A Cyberattack is Preventable

Despite the prevalence of cyber attacks, Check Point data suggests that 99 percent of enterprises are not effectively protected. However, a cyber attack is preventable. The key to cyber defense is an end-to-end cyber security architecture that is multilayered and spans all networks, endpoint and mobile devices, and 雲端. With the right architecture, you can consolidate management of multiple security layers, control policy through a single pane of glass. This lets you correlate events across all network environments, cloud services, and mobile infrastructures.

In addition to architecture, Check Point recommends these key measures to prevent cyber attacks:

  • Maintain security hygiene
  • Choose prevention over detection
  • Cover all attack vectors
  • Implement the most advanced technologies

Learn more about recent cyber attack trends by checking out Check Point’s 2024 Cyber Security Report.  You’re also welcome to learn how to protect against modern cyber threats by signing up for a free demo of Check Point Harmony Endpoint.

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