DevSecOps 對每個開發項目都至關重要的 5 個原因

您可能會認為提前部署可以保證開發專案的成功。 但這並不完全正確,因為如果沒有適當的安全性,即使是最先進的軟體應用程式也會失敗。可以說,這使得應用程式安全性成為最重要的功能。

While security is critical to every project’s success, it’s not always implemented effectively. For instance, many development teams approach security as a single task performed by a separate team at the end of the development cycle right before an application is scheduled to release.

When security is placed at the end of the development cycle, it’s more complicated and inefficient to fix serious issues. Most problems can be fixed by rewriting code, but this is costly and time consuming and will inevitably push back the software release date.

On the other hand, implementing security throughout the entire development (and delivery) process allows developers to resolve small issues before they become large, more cumbersome problems.


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1. DevSecOps 是實現應用程式安全性的標準

大約十年前,將應用程式交付與安全性隔離是有意義的。代碼基礎簡單得多,開發過程與今天的不同很大。 每個應用程式都是一個偉大的整體架構的一部分,從開發到測試再到部署都需要很長的開發過程。在這些類型的專案中,將安全性放在開發週期的最後是一個自然的階段,因此安全性可以為每個部署提供最後的檢查。


When cloud computing became popular in the early 2010s and applications began migrating to the cloud, software engineers faced tough challenges to meet delivery demands and maintain communication between teams. The DevOps model was created to meet these changing needs. However, the DevOps model still puts security at the end of a project.

DevSecOps 是新的開發運營

自成立以來,無數開發人員已採用開發營運來加快軟體交付流程並加強開發人員與 IT 營運團隊之間的溝通。在當今世界,軟體開發是整體和迭代的,這使得孤立的安全工作方法與開發營運模型背道而馳,從而導致延遲。


在整個應用程式生命週期中應用安全性是當今世界正確保護應用程式的唯一方法。然而,轉向 DevSecOps 需要在多個領域轉變思維方式。軟體工程師需要隨時掌握持續更新。 對於在雲端中託管應用程式的軟體即服務供應商來說,擁有持續更新的軟體至關重要。


開發營運模式並不壞,只是不完整。沒有整合安全性的開發營運不再與現代軟體開發和部署相容。為了在整個應用程式生命週期中優先考慮安全性,開發營運已轉變為稱為 DevSecOps 的新模型。

2. DevSecOps 提供安全威脅的高度可見性



Security should be a team effort integrated from the beginning and throughout the entire app lifecycle. Without integrating security into the entire application lifecycle, security threats can go unnoticed.

3. DevSecOps shortens development cycles

DevSecOps 所做的最重要的事情之一是創建更短、更頻繁的開發週期。短暫的開發週期將中斷降至最低,同時促進不同的團隊之間密切合作,這些團隊可能會彼此隔離。


Shorter development cycles allow teams to respond to and fix problems faster, increase efficiency, test new features, and keep users happy.



4. DevSecOps 使您的客戶受益

當您為客戶開發應用程式時,使用 DevSecOps 可以透過多種方式直接使您的客戶受益。您將能夠快速回應錯誤,經常進行小變更,並且您的客戶將有更多機會提供重要反饋。






Utilizing DevSecOps is crucial for every team that hosts applications in the cloud. An important part of DevSecOps is automating as much security as possible.


儘管許多企業正在增加 DevSecOps 的投資和實施,但只有59% 的企業表示他們正在其管道中建立更多的安全自動化。這些統計數據表明,大多數企業都了解安全自動化的重要性,但它尚未成為標準。


There are plenty of tools available to automate security in the cloud. For example, our CloudGuard Posture Management automatically verifies whether compliance standards (like HIPAA or PCI-DSS) are being met across Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform (GCP). We also offer next generation firewalls, public and private cloud security, SaaS application security, serverless security, and more.


To learn more about securing your cloud environment, request a free demo for Check Point cloud security management services. Our security software will identify potential threats before they impact your business and make security management easier.

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