Cyber Security for Financial Institutions

Secure your financial institution and build customer trust with Check Point Infinity Platform.

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The Financial Sector is Seizing New Opportunities, But They Present New Risks

From banks to insurance companies, financial services institutions are introducing innovative services that add value and build customer loyalty, but they’re battling an increase in sophisticated cyber attacks and fraud.

Industry-Wide Modernization

Fintech is transforming the financial sector with innovations like embedded banking, API banking, e-banking, and blockchain, offering new conveniences but also expanding the attack surface. To stay secure, financial institutions need a multi-layered security approach that protects networks, applications, workloads, multi-cloud assets, and more.

A Favorite Target Sector for Cyber Attacks

From phishing scams to denial-of-service attacks to fraud carried out by nation-state actors, financial institutions remain a favorite target for cyber crime. An integrated security platform is essential for enabling real-time threat prevention, closing security gaps, and providing visibility across all security environments, including on-prem and cloud resources.

Key Figures and Cyber Security Trends

$5.9MAverage cost of a breach in the financial services industry
1,162Average cyber attacks per week in 2023, a 3% increase from the previous year
72%Financial institutions suffered a ransomware attack last year

Secure Your Financial Institution with a True
AI-Powered, Cloud-Delivered Platform

At Check Point, we do more than secure your data, we safeguard your clients’ trust and your institution’s reputation.

  • Comprehensive Protection
    Check Point Infinity Platform with AI-Powered and Cloud-Delivered technology provides total protection across all environments, enhancing compliance and simplifying management.
  • Regulatory Compliance
    The Infinity Platform automates policy updates and compliance checks, meeting standards like BASEL, SOX, NIST, and GDPR efficiently.
  • Operational Efficiency
    The Infinity Platform supports seamless digital transitions and reduces total cost of ownership through tool consolidation and simplified management.
  • Unmatched Threat Prevention
    The Infinity Platform is ranked as the #1 cyber security platform in a Miercom Zero Trust Platform assessment, with a 99.8% block rate and 100% phishing prevention rate.

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Trusted by 1 out of 4 Leading Financial Organizations

And they have great things to say about us.

600x400 AIcriticalThreatPrevention

Why AI is Critical to Threat Prevention

Fending off cyber attacks is the top concern of CISOs everywhere, particularly in the financial sector. At the heart of the battle between malicious actors and security teams is artificial intelligence, which is reshaping the way attackers operate and enterprises defend. Understanding the impact of AI is central to deploying a robust, agile architecture capable of identifying and neutralizing today’s threats and adapting to tomorrow’s.

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What Analysts Are Saying About Check Point

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