Check Point + Aruba

Connecting branch SD-WAN’s directly to the cloud significantly increases security risks. Branches need enterprise grade security to protect them from sophisticated Gen V cyber attacks. Check Point CloudGuard Connect secures Aruba SD-Branch connections to the cloud with top-rated threat prevention, quick and easy deployment, and unified management saving up to 40% in OpEx.


Check Point and Aruba

Check Point Security and Aruba SD-Branch Securing the Branch SD-WAN Connections to the Cloud

Ícone Prevent


NSS Top-Rated Threat Prevention with 100% Cyber Attack Catch Rate

Ícone Prevent


Five-Minutes to Protect your SD-WAN from the Cloud or On-Premises

Ícone Prevent


A arquitetura de segurança unificada reduz custos de OpEx em até 40% e de CAPEX em 20%

Best-in-Class Networking and SD-WAN Security

Check Point and Aruba have joined forces to provide an integrated and secure SD-WAN branch office solution that is automated, scalable, and cost-effective.

Securing Aruba SD-Wan connections webinar video thumbnail

In this video, Check Point’s Ad Attias demonstrates the integration between CloudGuard Connect and Aruba SD-Branch.
Discover how Check Point and Aruba provide enterprises with:

  • Advanced threat prevention
  • Dynamic scalability
  • Intelligent provisioning
  • Consistent control across physical and virtual networks


Protect your Branch Office Cloud Connections from Cyber Attacks

Learn how to protect your branch office internet connections with top-rated threat prevention, branch cloud security, OpEx savings up to 40%, and flexibility to deploy security in minutes in the cloud or on-premise.


Securing Aruba SD-Wan connections webinar video thumbnail

Prevenção avançada de ameaças para filiais sempre atualizada

  • Atualização contínua com as mais recentes prevenções contra ameaças
  • Top-Rated Threat Prevention
  • Protege contra os ataques cibernéticos mais recentes de dia-zero e de geração V
  • Leverages Real-time Threat Intelligence

Prevenção avançada de ameaças para filiais sempre atualizada

Prevenção avançada de ameaças para filiais sempre atualizada

Orquestração automatizada permite a configuração em 5 minutos

  • O design nativo da nuvem proporciona elasticidade e escalabilidade
  • Habilite rapidamente a segurança em centenas de filiais
  • Integração de API com o gerenciamento centralizado do SD-WAN

Aruba SD-Branch and CloudGuard
Connect Secure SD-WAN

Aruba and Check Point CloudGuard Connect Securely Connect your Branch Offices to the Cloud

Aruba SD-WAN and CloudGuard Connect Secure SD-WAN

2022 Gartner® Market Guide for Zero Trust Network Access

Zero Trust para a era do remoto, nuvem e BYOD


Guia de mercado ZTNA da Gartner

Harmony Connect: acesso seguro à Internet

Conheça as melhores práticas para proteger usuários e dados ao adotar uma força de trabalho híbrida em 2022. Veja como um gateway da Web seguro unificado e o firewall-as-a-service fornecem os mais altos padrões de segurança e produtividade.


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