AI Powered Threat Intelligence and Generative AI Services

Combine the power of AI Powered Threat Intelligence with Generative AI for the industry’s best threat prevention, automated threat response, and efficient security administration.

Conheça o ThreatCloud AI

Infinity AI Services

A inteligência abrangente de ameaças mantém suas defesas prontas para o que está por vir, incluindo o aumento de ameaças cibernéticas sofisticadas alimentadas por IA.

ThreatCloud AI – The brain behind your cyber defense

To deliver the highest catch rate for known and unknown threats, ThreatCloud AI leverages 50+ AI engines and big data gleaned from hundreds of millions of sensors to stop phishing, ransomware, DNS, and malware attacks.

  • Best catch rate. Period.
    Testing by independent labs has repeatedly shown that thanks to ThreatCloud AI, Check Point protects better than the rest.
  • Block Known and Unknown Threats
    Block never-before-seen phishing, malware and zero-day attacks for which no IoCs, signatures or patches are available.
  • Consistent Prevention Everywhere
    IoCs are shared across your entire stack in less than two seconds, including clouds, mobile, IoT, networks, and endpoints.

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Infinity Copilot – Automate your tasks for optimal performance

Slash your task resolution time by up to 90 percent. Get expert guidance and data-based insights with your very own AI assistant.

  • Accelerate daily tasks
    Get AI help to create policies, update them and resolve help desk tickets.
  • Proactively fine-tune controls
    Ask Infinity Co-Pilot if you are protected against the latest CVEs and receive suggestions to update your firewall and DLP rules.
  • Reduce mean time to respond
    Threat hunt, investigate and analyze events with the help of an AI guide. Write and run incident response playbooks.

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Check Point nomeada líder no Forrester Wave™: provedores de plataforma Zero Trust, terceiro trimestre de 2023

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Segurança cibernética consolidada e preventiva para governos

Explore security challenges faced by large organizations and how a consolidated cyber security architecture prevents attacks on critical data and disruption to business services

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Qual foi o papel de uma pandemia viral na consolidação da segurança cibernética?

As the World Economic Forum warned us: “We should prepare for a COVID-like global cyber pandemic that will spread faster and further than a biological virus, with an equal or greater economic impact.”

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Proteção completa contra ransomware

Multi-layered protection across endpoints, mobile devices, email, web, and networks


Aumente a proteção e reduza o TCO com Infinity

How to secure your organization’s infrastructure and data in the most efficient way and at the lowest cost?

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Segurança móvel

Saiba como o Harmony Mobile detecta ameaças conhecidas e desconhecidas para fornecer uma prevenção completa contra ameaças móveis

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Absolute Zero Trust Security com Check Point Infinity

With Cyber threats existing inside and outside the security perimeter, it has become essential to adopt a Zero Trust security approach in order to keep business data protected, anywhere.

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