Our SmartOptimize service boosts security performance while minimizing exposure to emerging risks. Enhances security, efficiency, and performance with expert analysis and tailored recommendations.
SmartOptimize is designed to specifically review and assess the security posture, management performance, resource utilization, and operational efficiency. The report includes comments by a Professional Services Consultant with recommendations on remediation of identified issues, patching levels, and improving security posture.
A Professional Services Consultant will provide you with a lightweight utility to collect the required security configuration information that can be uploaded to a secure environment for analysis. The data will be analyzed, and a custom report will be created with specific recommendations around optimization of your environment.
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In Person & Virtual
O Check Point Infinity Global Services fornece serviços de segurança de ponta a ponta que lhe permitem aumentar a experiência de sua equipe, projetar práticas recomendadas e evitar ameaças em tempo real. Onde quer que o senhor esteja em sua jornada de segurança cibernética, nós começamos por aí. Nossos especialistas de elite trabalharão em conjunto com sua equipe para levar sua organização ao próximo nível de proteção e criar seu plano de resiliência cibernética.