Infinity Global Services

Avaliação de comprometimento

If your organization has been breached, knowing exactly what was compromised is the first step toward re-establishing trust in the infrastructure. Check Point Compromise Assessment consultants will step in to help your team systematically discover all compromised systems. We’ll help test and verify that remediation tactics were successful. We also extend our investigation beyond the breached systems to identify any other systems compromised by threats that bypassed security controls.

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  • Gather and analyze evidence: Our comprehensive assessment methodology automatically collects and analyzes forensic data to identify the attack starting point, progression and tactics used.
  • Remediate identified threats: With forensic data, we’ll help you remove threats from the environment.
  • Preempt future attacks: Forensic data provides deep insight into the attackers’ targets, objectives and methods. With this data, we can provide recommendations for eliminating vulnerabilities, hardening your infrastructure and preempting future attacks.



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The Check Point Emergency Response team is ready to respond when you call. If you are under attack, you can reach us by email or toll-free phone call:


Find a local toll-free number for your area here:
/support-services/threatcloud-incident-response/ – hotline

If you prefer to work with a local partner, call or email us and we’ll refer you to an expert in your area.

Most relevant roles
CISO, gerentes/diretores de operações de segurança cibernética Profissionais: Analistas de SOC, analistas de resposta a incidentes, investigadores forenses

Ideal number of participants
2-5 Profissionais

In Person & Virtual

Infinity Global Services

O Check Point Infinity Global Services fornece serviços de segurança de ponta a ponta que lhe permitem aumentar a experiência de sua equipe, projetar práticas recomendadas e evitar ameaças em tempo real. Onde quer que o senhor esteja em sua jornada de segurança cibernética, nós começamos por aí. Nossos especialistas de elite trabalharão em conjunto com sua equipe para levar sua organização ao próximo nível de proteção e criar seu plano de resiliência cibernética.


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