Secure Branch Microsoft Azure Internet Connections and SaaS

Microsoft Azure customers can use Check Point Harmony
Connect threat prevention to protect their branch office
Internet connections and SaaS Applications.


Harmony Connect and Microsoft Azure logos

Harmony Connect Secures Microsoft
Azure Branch Internet and SaaS

Harmony Connect cloud-delivered security running on Microsoft Azure,
protects branch office Internet connections and SaaS applications across the globe.

Prevent icon


Top-rated threat prevention with 100% cyber attack catch rate

Ícone de implantação


Take Minutes to Protect your Azure Internet Connections and SaaS Applications

Ícone de molécula


Unified security architecture reduces OpEx costs up to 40% and CapEx by 20%

Quickly Secure Azure Assets Video

Quickly Secure Azure Assets

Through this partnership, Check Point and Microsoft simplify security management of Microsoft Azure connected virtual networks and branch offices


The Check Point Difference

Check Point Harmony Connect (formerly CloudGuard Connect) protects globally distributed branch office to Internet (B2I) or virtual network to Internet (V2I) connections with advanced threat prevention. Enable auto-sync and Check Point automatically secures your Azure assets.

Watch our demo of the integration to learn more about what makes the Check Point integration unique.


Check Point Azure vWAN demo video thumbnail

Microsoft Azure Firewall Manager icon

What is Azure Firewall Manager?

Azure Firewall Manager is a new security management service that provides central security policy and route management for cloud-based security perimeters. Global admins can centrally create a hub and spoke architecture and associate security and routing policies with this Secured Virtual Hub.

Proteja as redes virtuais e escritórios de filiais no Azure

Harmony Connect, a Trusted Security Partner in Azure Firewall Manager, protects globally distributed branch office locations or virtual networks with advanced threat prevention. With a simple configuration in Azure Firewall Manager, you can route branch hub and virtual network connections to the internet through Harmony Connect.


Microsoft Azure Harmony Connect secured virtual hub diagram

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