CloudEyE, also known as GuLoader, is a downloader malware that gains entry into a system and then downloads stealer trojans, keyloggers, and Remote Access Tools (RATs). CloudEyE is written in Visual Basic and primarily uses legitimate servers like OneDrive or Google Drive to execute and deliver additional payloads to devices.
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CloudEyE is effective mainly because of its infiltration method. This form of malware uses the Nullsoft Scriptable Install System (NSIS) packer, an open-source packer that developers commonly use to create Windows installers. As the malware is packaged with NSIS, it becomes much more difficult for antivirus software to scan and detect CloudEyE before it infiltrates a system.
CloudEyE compresses its payload using the NSIS packer, then further encrypts its malware to offer an extra layer of obfuscation. When someone downloads the file onto their computer or device, GuLoader will run, decrypting its malware, unpacking it, and then executing it on the system to compromise the device.
Once on a device, CloudEyE can provide access to any number of additional programs that further compromise a system, like ransomware that holds your device hostage or other malware that provides direct access for threat actors to the device.
Another reason that CloudEyE is able to evade detection is that it uses three methods to scan for virtualization technology and sandboxes:
With these scanning systems in place, it is extremely difficult to detect CloudEyE, making it almost impossible for cybersecurity researchers to identify, isolate, and study the malware to develop effective defensive strategies.
When an individual downloads a file from the internet without first checking its authenticity, they may download malware like CloudEyE. For example, they could download what seems like a normal PDF file from a phishing email they receive. In reality, this file could be a fake that actually includes CloudEyE malware.
Once they have downloaded GuLoader onto their system, it can then cause the following problems:
Due to how difficult CloudEyE can be to detect, it is highly likely that a system that doesn’t monitor for its presence may remain compromised for an extended period of time. This could mean that all of the above impacts are experienced, rather than just one, before a cybersecurity team fixes the problem.
Here are some best practices that can help protect against the CloudEyE malware and the damage it can do:
The earliest sign that CloudEyE is present in a system would be the activation of the VBScript Loader, which will then begin the process of loading a malicious payload into your system. By identifying the VBScript Loader and stopping it in its tracks, you can prevent GuLoader from executing on your system.
One of the most important steps when dealing with malware is to ensure you detect it as soon as possible.
Early detection will give your team the time they need to mount an effective response. By automating the extraction of any indicators of compromise, you will be able to identify the presence of CloudEyE as quickly as possible.
The easiest way to prevent malware from entering your systems is to make sure that employees don’t download any malicious files in the first place. Offering education about how to inspect files and the importance of running malware scanning on all files before downloading will help reduce the number of events your business experiences.
Endpoint security will add layers of security to your system by examining any files that your business comes into contact with. When there are hints or traces of malicious software, endpoint security solutions will block these files from downloading and prevent their infiltration.
CloudEyE (GuLoader) malware is a serious threat that can compromise computer systems and continue to exist on an infected device. Its ability to download other malware onto a compromised device can mean that one small breach turns into a company-wide cybersecurity issue.
Check Point Harmony is a multi-layer endpoint security solution that can identify malicious files like CloudEyE and prevent them from entering your system.
As a dynamic solution, Harmony Endpoint can automate threat detection and prevention in your enterprise environment. Learn more about how Harmony Endpoint can keep your business safe by booking a free demo.