O que é segurança de e-mail?

Email security refers to the practice of protecting email against potential cybersecurity threats. Phishing, account takeover, and other email-focused cyberattacks pose a significant risk to an organization, its employees, and corporate and customer data.

Email is a common target of cyberattacks due to its ubiquity and the relative ease of crafting a phishing campaign compared to other cyber threats. Protecting against the ever-evolving email threat requires advanced email security solutions.

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O que é segurança de e-mail?

Ameaças comuns à segurança de e-mail

Algumas das maiores ameaças à segurança do e-mail incluem:


Os ataques de phishing são as ameaças mais conhecidas e comuns à segurança de e-mail. Os ataques de phishing começaram com ataques como o scam do Príncipe Nigeriano, que eram conhecidos por sua gramática pobre e pretextos inacreditáveis. Com o tempo, esses ataques tornaram-se mais sofisticados, com os invasores enviando e-mails muito mais sofisticados e com pretextos mais plausíveis.

The modern phishing attack can be general or targeted. These targeted attacks, also called spear phishing attacks, are highly researched and designed to trick a particular person or group.

Compromisso de e-mail comercial, BEC (BEC)

One example of a common spear phishing attack is business email compromise (BEC). In a BEC attack, the target is tricked into sending sensitive data — or more commonly money — to the attacker. BEC attacks have become one of the most significant and expensive phishing attacks that companies face. According to the Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3), BEC attacks between the years 2013 and 2022 caused an estimated loss of $50 billion.


Email is an ideal delivery mechanism for malware. Malware can be attached directly to an email or embedded in documents that are shared as attachments or via cloud-based storage. And once installed on a computer, malware may steal sensitive information or encrypt a user’s files.

Perda de dados

As contas de e-mail têm acesso a uma grande quantidade de informações confidenciais. Além dos dados enviados diretamente por e-mail, essas contas também são utilizadas para acessar infraestrutura baseada em nuvem e outros serviços online.

An attacker with access to these email accounts can gain access to all of this sensitive information, making email account credentials a common target of attack. Additionally, this information can be leaked by employees who accidentally include an unauthorized party on an email chain or fall for a phishing attack.

Links maliciosos

Links maliciosos são algumas das formas mais comuns pelas quais os cibercriminosos usam o e-mail como arma. Com um link incorporado em um e-mail, um invasor pode direcionar o destinatário para uma página da Web sob seu controle.

These phishing pages can be used for a variety of different purposes. Phishing pages can be designed to steal user credentials or deliver malware. Regardless, they can cause serious damage to an organization.

Sequestro de conta

In an account takeover (ATO) attack, a cybercriminal gains access to a user’s email or other online account. This is usually accomplished by stealing the user’s login credentials via phishing, credential stuffing, malware, or similar means.

Once an attacker has control over a user’s email account, they can abuse it in various ways. For example, the user’s email might be used in a spear phishing attack, to send out spam, or to gain access to other accounts by requesting password reset emails to be sent to the compromised account.


Spam is unwanted email sent out via mass mailers. Spam can be used for various purposes, ranging from marketing efforts by legitimate companies to attempts to infect the target computer with malware.


Quishing is a form of phishing attack that uses QR codes. Emails will contain an image of a QR code, which, if scanned, will direct the user to a phishing site designed to harvest login credentials or infect their computer with malware.

Quishing attacks are designed to take advantage of the fact that a user is likely to scan the code presented in an email using the camera on their mobile device. Since personal smartphones are likely unmanaged by the company, this provides a means for the attacker to bypass the organization’s security controls.

Types of Email Security Services and Solutions

Companies can use various email security services and solutions to protect against phishing and other email-related threats. Some common types include:

  • Secure Email Gateways (SEG): SEGs are deployed at the perimeter of the corporate network to inspect and filter malicious emails. These tools use various criteria — such as malware signatures, URL filtering, and other phishing patterns — to identify and block malicious emails. These solutions may also incorporate antivirus protection, data loss prevention (DLP), and sandbox analysis of potentially malicious attachments.
  • Cloud Email Security: Cloud email security solutions such as Google Workspace or Microsoft 365 commonly have built-in security features. For example, the provider may offer threat protection, spam filtering, encryption, and other defenses.
  • Email Data Protection (EDP): EDP solutions are designed to protect against potential leaks of sensitive data and ensure compliance with data protection laws. EDP often uses encryption, DLP, and SEGs to achieve its function.
  • API-Based: API-based security solutions take advantage of the APIs provided by email solutions. These solutions use the access offered by APIs to inspect emails for malicious content and block potential phishing attacks without the need to be deployed in-line.

AI in Email Security

Recent developments in artificial intelligence (AI) have multiple potential impacts for email security, including:

  • Language Analysis: Large language models (LLMs) have the ability to read and analyze the content of an email. They can be used to identify potential warning signs of phishing attacks, such as attempts to create a sense of urgency or use psychological manipulation to get the target to do what the attacker wants.
  • Behavioral Analysis: AI is also well-suited to identifying patterns and trends in large volumes of data. This capability can be used for behavioral analysis, enabling email security tools to identify unusual email traffic that is indicative of a potential attack.

Principais recursos dos serviços de segurança de e-mail

Email security services should provide protection against a wide range of email threats. Some key features of these solutions include the following:

  • Phishing Prevention: Phishing is the leading email security threat to the business. Email security solutions should use AI and ML to identify and block phishing emails before they reach an employee’s inbox.
  • Malware Detection: Phishing emails are commonly designed to deliver malware via malicious links and attachments. Email security services should offer sandboxed, signature, and heuristic analysis to identify malware in emails.
  • Email Encryption: Encryption helps to protect sensitive data from exposure by rendering emails unreadable to eavesdroppers. This helps to reduce the risk of data breaches and unauthorized access to email data.
  • Data Loss Prevention (DLP): Email can be used to send sensitive information to unauthorized parties. DLP solutions identify sensitive content in an email and block it from being leaked.
  • Spam Filtering: Unwanted spam emails are sent out in massive volumes, wasting storage capacity and network bandwidth. Email security solutions should be able to identify and filter spam before it reaches the user’s inbox.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Email can be a significant threat to regulatory compliance due to the potential for data breaches. Email security solutions should offer built-in support for implementing regulatory data protection requirements.
  • Email Authentication: Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is an email authentication and security protocol designed to protect against phishing and other email-based attacks. If domain owners enable DMARC, it can prevent phishers from spoofing email addresses from their domain. DMARC specifies how to handle emails that fail verification. It uses two main protocols to verify the authenticity of an email:
  • Sender Policy Framework (SPF): SPF authenticates emails based on the IP address of the sender. The owner of a domain can add a list of IP addresses authorized to send emails from that domain to their DNS record. The recipients of emails can then check to verify that the source of the email is an authorized IP address for that domain.
  • DomainKeys Identified Mail (DKIM): DKIM uses digital signatures to authenticate emails. Domain owners can include DKIM public keys in their DNS records and digitally sign their email messages. Recipients can use the provided public key to validate the signature and verify the authenticity of the email.

7 maneiras de proteger seu e-mail

O e-mail é um dos vetores de ataque mais comumente usados pelos cibercriminosos porque é fácil e eficaz. A proteção contra esses ataques também pode ser simples se uma organização e seus funcionários seguirem as práticas recomendadas de segurança de e-mail, incluindo:

  1. Use uma senha forte: senhas fracas, reutilizadas e vazadas são a causa mais comum de comprometimento de contas de e-mail. Usar uma senha forte e exclusiva é essencial para a segurança das contas de e-mail.
  2. Ative a autenticação multifatorial (MFA): se um invasor obtiver acesso às credenciais de e-mail de um usuário, a conta comprometida poderá ser usada em diversos ataques. A ativação do MFA torna mais difícil para um invasor realizar o controle de uma conta de e-mail porque ele precisa de mais do que apenas a senha do usuário.
  3. Implantar soluções de prevenção de perda de dados (Data Loss Prevention, DLP) (DLP): Dados confidenciais podem ser vazados por e-mail, intencionalmente ou não. As soluções DLP podem ajudar a identificar sinais de possível exfiltração de dados e bloqueá-los antes que ocorra uma violação.
  4. Implementar filtragem de e-mail de phishing: embora muitos provedores de e-mail tentem filtrar conteúdo de phishing, alguns ataques serão ignorados. A implantação de uma solução para verificar e filtrar conteúdo de phishing pode ajudar a evitar que esses e-mails cheguem às caixas de entrada dos funcionários.
  5. Verifique se há anexos maliciosos: os anexos são uma forma comum de os e-mails de phishing entregarem malware a um alvo. A verificação de e-mails em busca de anexos suspeitos ou maliciosos pode permitir que esses anexos sejam identificados e removidos do e-mail antes que cheguem à caixa de entrada do usuário e potencialmente infectem sua máquina.
  6. Treinar funcionários: os ataques de phishing são projetados para tirar vantagem de um usuário, induzindo-o a clicar em um link ou abrir um anexo malicioso. O treinamento de conscientização cibernética dos funcionários pode ajudá-los a identificar e responder adequadamente a e-mails maliciosos, diminuindo a probabilidade de um ataque bem-sucedido.
  7. Realize monitoramento frequente de segurança: O cenário de ameaças cibernéticas está em constante evolução e os cibercriminosos podem desenvolver novos métodos de ataque ou iniciar novas campanhas usando e-mail contra uma organização. Monitorar o tráfego de e-mail em busca de anomalias que possam indicar uma nova ameaça pode ser fundamental para detectar e responder a esses ataques.

Segurança de e-mail com Check Point

Cybercriminals understand how vital email is to modern business, making an email security solution capable of detecting phishing, data loss, and other email-related threats, an absolute necessity.

Check Point Harmony Email & Collaboration provides state-of-the-art protection against common and emerging email threats. To learn more about its capabilities, request a demo. You’re also welcome to try it out for yourself with a free trial.

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