A Holistic Zero Trust Approach in an Evolving Threat Landscape

With Check Point Infinity security architecture, organizations can embrace the principles of Zero Trust and leverage a consolidated security platform that covers your entire environment, from network and cloud to workspaces and devices

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Implementing a Zero Trust Security Framework With Cross- Environment Policy Application

Check Point Infinity provides the comprehensive capabilities to implement Zero Trust across your environment on a unified, integrated security platform.

Simplified Deployment and Management

Disparate technologies can create security gaps in Zero Trust implementations. Consolidate your Zero Trust security under a single pane of glass to streamline deployment and ongoing administration.

The Result

Centralized security management gives unified visibility into all users, devices, and traffic. This enhanced awareness supports more informed, risk-based decisions that continuously verify trust.

Proactive Enforcement Across All Assets

Apply the same Zero Trust policies and controls uniformly to users, devices, applications, and data – whether on-premises, in the cloud, or in hybrid environments.

The Result

Quickly deploy policies across environments with Check Point Infinity’s consolidated platform. Benefit from deep security intelligence and multilayered defenses that enhance awareness, support better decision-making, and provide proactive protection against the latest threats.

Check Point Infinity – a Single Consolidated Absolute Zero Trust Security Architecture

Check Point Infinity provides a unified cybersecurity architecture that streamlines industry-critical security capabilities — including next-generation firewalls, advanced threat prevention, and secure access solutions under a single pane of glass.

Zero Trust Networks

Don’t let your network be a playground for cyber threats. By “Dividing and Ruling” your network, you can dramatically reduce the risk of lateral movement and safeguard your most valuable assets. Set and enforce a “Least Privileged” access policy so that only the right users and devices can access your most valuable assets.

  • By leveraging a Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) policy, connect users, sites, clouds, and resources with a high- performance, private global backbone.
  • Security Gateways empower you to create granular network segmentation across your public/private cloud and LAN environments.

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Zero Trust Devices

Security teams must be able to isolate, secure, and control every device on the network at all times. Check Point solutions enable organizations to block infected devices from accessing corporate data and assets, including employees’ mobile devices and workstations, IoT devices, and Industrial Control Systems.

  • Protect employees’ mobile devices and workstations from advanced attacks, zero-day malware, malicious app installation, and more.
  • Automatically discover and protect smart office and building devices, Industrial Control Systems (ICS), and medical devices.


Zero Trust People

With 81% of data breaches involving stolen credentials, traditional username and password-based authentication is no longer sufficient. Check Point’s Identity Awareness solution ensures that access to valuable data is granted only to authorized users after their identities have been strictly authenticated.

  • Process includes Single Sign-On, Multi-Factor Authentication, context-aware policies (e.g., time and geo- location of the connection), and anomaly detection.
  • Enhance identity-centric access control by applying least privileged access to any enterprise resource, accommodating both internal and external identities.

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Zero Trust Data

Zero Trust is all about protecting data as it is continuously shared between workstations, mobile devices, application servers, databases, SaaS applications, and corporate and public networks. Check Point Infinity delivers multi- layered data protection, preemptively protecting data from theft, corruption, and unintentional loss wherever it resides.

  • Encrypt data wherever it resides or is transferred to render stolen data useless.
  • Track and control data movements across the network to ensure sensitive information does not leave the organization.
  • Ensure least privilege access to sensitive data in applications and data security posture management.


Zero Trust Workloads

Securing workloads, particularly those running in the public cloud, is essential as these cloud assets are vulnerable and attractive targets for malicious actors. Check Point Infinity includes cloud security solutions that integrate with any public or private cloud infrastructure, providing full visibility and control over these ever-changing environments.

  • Seamless integration with any cloud infrastructure including AWS, GCP, Microsoft Azure, Oracle Cloud, IBM Cloud, Alibaba Cloud, NSX, Cisco ACI, Cisco ISE, OpenStack, and more.
  • Easy-to-deploy solution secures any private or public cloud workload with least privileged access for any user from any device.
  • Keep your cloud-based workloads secure from vulnerabilities and threats with runtime protection.

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Explore more about Zero Trust Security Solutions

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