Connecting branch SD-WAN’s directly to the cloud significantly increases security risks. Branches need enterprise grade security to protect them from sophisticated Gen V cyber attacks.
Check Point Harmony Connect and Quantum Edge secure Aryaka SD-WAN connections to the cloud with top-rated threat prevention, quick and easy deployment, and unified management saving up to 40% in OpEx.
Check Point and Aryaka Secure Cloud-Delivered SD-WANDOWNLOAD NOW
NSS Top-Rated Threat Prevention with 100% Cyber Attack Catch Rate
Five-Minutes to Protect your SD-WAN from the Cloud or On-Premises
“Competing SD-WAN security solutions lock enterprises into a proprietary world with few choices,while our combined offer with Check Point shows Aryaka is unique in its ability to offer its customers the power of choice and the ability to tailor their security architecture to their very own needs.”
– Gokul Nair, Aryaka’s Product Management Director for Security, Aryaka
Deploy consistent security across 1000s of branches in just 5 minutes
thanks to advanced SD-WAN integration and automation.
2022년에 하이브리드 근무 환경을 채택할 때 사용자와 데이터를 보호하기 위한 모범 사례가 무엇이었는지 알아보고, 안전한 통합 웹 게이트웨이와 서비스형 방화벽이 최고 수준의 보안 및 생산성을 제공하는 방법을 확인하세요.