인피니티 Global 서비스

Security Architecture Review

security architecture aWith over 30 years of experience in cyber security, Check Point is in a unique position to offer a wealth of knowledge and experience to other organisations, regardless of their size, maturity or vertical, to provide an actionable roadmap to identify risks and remediate security gaps.

A Security Architecture Review is a rigorous evaluation and assessment of an organisation’s security infrastructure such as the processes, policies, protocols and technology. It aims to identify risk and evaluate the organisations effectiveness and resilience, and align the requirements with the current industry standards and best practices. The goal being to mitigate and fortify defences against potential threats proactively whilst identifying risk to the organization.

Whether you have experienced a security breach or are expanding your current network capacity, you may need more insights into your network or identify vulnerabilities in your network infrastructure. A Security Architecture Review is an indispensable service that identifies, evaluates, and mitigates risks to fortify an organisation’s security measures against present and emerging threats and risks.

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  • Understand whether your security controls and architecture meet the risks to the organization.
  • Understand the evolving threats and challenges to your organization and maintain a modern, robust and complete security architecture.
  • Consolidate and optimize your operational model, reduce number of security tools in use to establish better ROI’s and increase effective protection.
  • Following a security breach, it provides a post-incident analysis to uncover weaknesses and prevent future breaches.
  • Ensure Network redesign or expansion meet security best practices to mitigate potential vulnerabilities.
  • Insights and data about the network environments after implementing changes or major upgrades

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Check Point will begin the engagement planning by defining the scope of the engagement. After this, our team will attend site and conduct assessments and interviews working with your business to review and assess the security architecture, processes and risks.

Post-visit, our experts will analyse the findings and present recommendations, delivering a detailed report assessment with recommendations and solutions based on our 30 years of experience in cyber security.

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Most relevant roles
CISO, Security Architects, Network Architects, SOC, IT specialist , security engineers

Ideal number of participants
2-5 전문가

인피니티 Global 서비스

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