인시던트 대응

A comprehensive service provided by expert responders equipped to quickly investigate and contain attacks, focusing on getting you back to business as fast as possible.

The Right Help at the Right Time

Our expert team are here to help you mitigate risks when the worst happens with comprehensive services handling the complete incident lifecycle, intelligence insights, and proactive preparedness.

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Complete Incident Lifecycle Management
We manage incidents from triage to remediation with full documentation, integrating with your SOC/IR teams to fill gaps and provide expert support.

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Deep Intelligence & Threat Context
We work with Check Point researchers, CERTs, and law enforcement to provide key security insights for faster threat response.

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Improve Response
Gain guidance for accelerating incident containment, elimination and recovery.

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Proactive Incident Preparedness
Leveraging thousands of incident insights, we strengthen security by preparing systems, networks, IT staff, and teams for worst-case scenarios.

Want to learn more about our comprehensive Incident Response services can help you overcome cyber attacks?

Download our data sheet

Quick Delivery to Stop Attacks Today and Prevent Them Tomorrow

Within 30 minutes, our responders engage with you to contain and remediate your incident. Following this, our team will offer a post-incident report to provide you with the technical details of the attack, identify the root cause, and make recommendations to prevent or mitigate future attacks.

  • 즉각적인 응답
    Dedicated 24/7 experts respond immediately to any security attack. This includes denial of service, malware, virus, data loss incidents, and more.
  • 빠른 복구
    위협을 억제하고, 다운타임을 줄이고, 피해와 비용을 줄이고, 비즈니스를 계속 운영하는 능력을 가속화하십시오.
  • 향후 위험 완화
    인시던트 발생 후 업계 모범 사례를 적용하여 보안 제어를 강화하고 최신 위협 인텔리전스를 제공할 수 있도록 지원합니다.

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가장 관련성이 높은 역할

CISO, Cyber security Operations Managers/Directors Practitioners: SOC Analysts, Incident Response Analysts, Forensics Investigators

이상적인 참가자 수

2-5 전문가

Event type

In Person & virtual

Get started with an IGS expert

전문가에게 문의하기

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End-to-end Cyber Security Services

Discover our comprehensive suite of services, designed to protect organizations of all sizes from initial assessment to ongoing training and optimization to rapid response.


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