Quantum Firewall Software R82

New AI innovations prevent millions of new zero-day attacks, accelerate security for DevOps, and increase data center operational simplicity and scale.

The best security, simplicity, and scale – just got better.

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Is Your Network Security Ready for Tomorrow?

Quantum Firewall Software R82 provides uncompromising security and operational simplicity for Quantum on-premises and CloudGuard Network firewalls.

  • AI 기반 위협 차단
    AI-powered, adaptive threat prevention for novel and encrypted threats
  • Data Center Agility
    Dynamic tools to accommodate rapidly changing environments
  • Operational Simplicity
    Automatically keep up with business growth & unpredictable traffic spikes
  • Post Quantum Cryptography
    NIST certified encryption to protect against quantum computing hacking​

View Feature List

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Upgrade Your Network Security to Address Tomorrow’s Challenges

Explore Quantum Firewall Software R82’s key benefits below or view a comprehensive list of features.

AI 기반 위협 차단

R82 delivers powerful new protection from the most evasive phishing, malware, and DNS attacks, even in encrypted traffic.

  • Block 99.8% of zero day threats with new AI-powered engines
    Find hidden relationships and traffic patterns to prevent novel malicious campaigns and brand impersonation.
  • New AI powered URL Categorization Engine
    Increases effectiveness of website categorization to make the most of your security policies.
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Data Center Agility

Streamline operations and accelerate development timelines with automated and simplified security tools.

  • Instant firewall policy updates
    Adapt to frequent policy changes by enabling DevOps to automate security policies using direct API control.
  • Spin up virtual firewalls in seconds
    Rapidly provision new technology stacks to support secure multi-tenancy and agile development.
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Simplified and Scalable Operations

Businesses can scale easier than ever, with faster firewall cluster deployment and management.

  • Streamlined firewall clustering
    With a new Web UI and APIs for Quantum Maestro, enterprises can now simplify the upgrade experience with 40% fewer steps required.
  • Built-in software-based load sharing & resilience
    R82 introduces a new firewall clustering architecture that offers easy software-based scaling with one-time setup.
  • Adaptive HTTPS inspection
    Achieve maximum security without compromising connectivity.
  • Secure your HTTP/3 traffic
    The first solution to fully inspect, sandbox, and secure HTTP/3 (QUIC) encrypted traffic to support faster web browsing.
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Post Quantum Cryptography

Hackers may steal and store VPN encrypted data today to decrypt with future Quantum Computing.

  • Prevent future hacking
    VPN data encrypted with traditional methods may be decryptable in the future.
  • Quantum-safe VPN
    New quantum-safe VPN encryption protects against future quantum computing-based hacking.
  • Industry standard encryption
    New NIST-approved post-quantum cryptography Kyber (ML-KEM).
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Upgraded Software for The Hybrid Environment

R82 powers Quantum on-premise firewalls and CloudGuard Network Security

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Quantum 방화벽

가장 강력한 제로데이 보호와 탄력적인 네트워크 성능으로 가장 까다로운 환경을 위한 초고성능 데이터 센터 방화벽입니다.

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CloudGuard Network Security

클라우드 네이티브 보안 게이트웨이는 하이브리드 클라우드 전반에 걸쳐 자동화된 지능형 위협 차단 및 통합 보안 관리를 제공합니다.

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Quantum Smart-1

Efficiently manage firewalls and network security policies with a single platform and user-friendly smart console. Easy scalability to keep up with network growth.

Quantum R82 Resources

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R82 technical feature descriptions for engineers

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