어드밴스드 테크니컬
어카운트 매니지먼트(ATAM)

지원 계약에 어드밴스드 테크니컬 어카운트 매니지먼트(ATAM)를 추가하여 회사의 보안 준비 수준을 한 단계 끌어올리십시오. ATAM은 다양한 기술에 정통한 고도로 숙련된 사이버 보안 전문가가 제공하는 사전 예방적 서비스입니다. 이러한 기술 리소스는 네트워크 보안 운영의 연장선상에서 작동합니다.

전담 고급 테크니컬 어카운트 매니저는 10년 이상 쌓아온 IT 보안 모범 사례를 활용하여 리소스를 늘리고 위험을 최소화하며 보안 투자를 극대화하는 사전 예방적 맞춤형 지원을 제공합니다.

ATAM 영업팀에 문의

체크 포인트 어드밴스드 테크니컬 어카운트 매니지먼트(ATAM) 로고

도전 과제

As an IT Security Professionals you need the type of technical support that goes beyond a break-fix solution. Today’s needs and wants have gone beyond what is defined as “Standard”.

A dedicated ATAM engineer with a deep level of technical expertise, product knowledge and industry experience, will be assigned. They will guarantee all your products are configured for optimal performance and provide consistent guidance about the best use of your Check Point products.

Your designated ATAM Engineer can perform any of the
following Check Point support activities:

Your ATAM engineer can assist with all of your design and architecture projects. This will help ensure that your Check Point infrastructure meets all of your operational and business needs. From a full redesign of an existing network, to a new data center build out, our ATAM services can assist with designing the right network for your organization.

As your network and security needs evolve, our ATAM services can help you expand the features and functionality of your Check Point infrastructure. From a Proof of Concept of HTTPS Inspection functionality to a full deployment of GEN V security we can help you plan, implement and manage your security needs.

Regular maintenance, tune ups and upgrades for your network security devices is a must. The ATAM service can help you with developing and implementing a fully operational security life cycle to ensure that all of your security goals are reviewed, analyzed and optimized.

The ATAM service is designed to work hand in hand with Check Point Support services to expedite the resolution of any issue. Your ATAM will work with Check Point Support, Customer Success Management and our Solution Center to ensure that we have all of the necessary resources to deliver a quick and effective solution.

The ATAM services is designed to augment and streamline all facets of managing and administering your Check Point environment. From upgrades or migrations to hardware refresh efforts, your ATAM engineer is available to assist with all of the work necessary to accomplish these projects.

Your ATAM engineer can help you ensure that all of your Check Point infrastructure is monitored, managed and maintained. From expanding the monitoring of all of your Check Point hosts and systems to providing data driven reports on the availability and effectiveness of your security solutions. ATAM can help you provide visibility and insight in to your Check Point environment.

Our ATAM service is designed specifically to improve all of your interactions with Check Point. From RFEs (R&D and Solution Center) to SRs (Support) and any Upgrade or Migration (Professional Services) efforts, your ATAM engineer is here to ensure that the right resources are engaged to provide you with the solutions and projects that meet your goals.

Our ATAM service Check Point’s Cybersecurity Resilience Testing. We will assess and improve the defensive capability of your business against cyber-attacks using the latest technologies.

본 웹 사이트에서는 기능과 분석 및 마케팅 목적으로 쿠키를 사용합니다. 웹 사이트를 계속 이용하면 쿠키 사용에 동의하시게 됩니다. 자세한 내용은 쿠키 공지를 읽어 주십시오.