Data Center and High-End Enterprise Security Gateways

Protecting the modern data center against GenV attacks requires high performance scalable security gateways that go beyond the NGFW to deliver the best threat prevention and optimization for hybrid cloud environments. Check Point 26000 and 28000 Quantum Security Gateways ™ include award-winning SandBlast Network threat prevention, telco-grade reliability, and hyperscale threat prevention performance up to 1.5 Tera bps.

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Quantum 로고
Quantum 26000 security gateway appliance hero

Quantum 26000, 28000 Security Gateways:
Best Security, Ultimate Hardware

For ultimate data center security and scalability, the 26000 and 28000 models deliver 60 security services with telco-grade performance including 30 Gbps of threat prevention. Telco-grade hardware reliability and expandability includes 100% SSDs, the highest port density in the industry, modular expansion up to 16 x 100 GbE, green friendly with 2.5x the power efficiency than other vendors and unified policy management across the datacenter and the hybrid cloud.

fingerprint and lock icon

GenV 공격 차단

통합 보안을 통한
최고 수준의 차단

확장 아이콘

하이퍼스케일 보안

필요에 따라 확장

Molecular 아이콘


운영 관리 시간
최대 80% 단축

제품 사양

VIEW MODELS: 26000-28000 MODEL

Security Gateway appliance spec table

2022년 4분기 Forrester Wave 엔터프라이즈 방화벽 부문 보고서에서 리더로 선정된 체크 포인트

보고서 다운로드

Forrester 로고 화이트 플로터

The World’s Fastest 1U Security Gateway in the Industry
Meet the New 28600 Quantum Security Gateway™

28600 appliance with Quantum badge

위협 차단에 대한 제로 터치 액세스
- 새 게이트웨이 설치용

Data Center Enterprise Hyperscale Span graph


“The most cost effective approach to minimizing risk and scaling on demand!”

백서: 하이퍼스케일 네트워크 보안

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