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Providing cyber security professionals and C-Level executives a detailed analysis of key cyber trends, statistics and advice on how to prevent fifth generation cyber attacks

보고서 전문 다운로드

The world faces over 100,000 malicious websites
and 10,000
malicious files daily

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87% of organization have experienced an attempted exploit of an already-known, existing vulnerability

아이콘 그라데이션 데이터 보호
46% of organizations have had at least one employee download a malicious mobile application

Benefits of 2021 Cyber Security Report

Security Report 2021 screenshots

  • Detailed analysis of current cyber trends
  • Recommendations on how to prevent the next cyber pandemic
  • Deep dive into Global malware statistics and high profile global vulnerabilities
  • Providing cyber security professionals and C-Level executives the information they need to protect their organizations from fifth-generation cyber-attacks and threats
보고서 전문 다운로드


Of organizations worldwide targeted by Emotet in 2020


Increase in attacks exploiting Vulnerabilities in RDP(Remote Desktop Protocol)


Vulnerabilities revelead in a Qualcomm chip affects a large portion of the mobile market


Organizations say their traditional security either don’t work or only provide limited functions in cloud environments

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