신원 인식

Check Point Identity Awareness offers granular visibility of users, groups, and machines, providing unmatched application and access control through the creation of accurate, identity-based policies. Centralized management and monitoring allows for policies to be managed from a single, unified console.

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Increase visibility of user activities with a dynamic user-based policy


Prevents unauthorized access, while still allowing users to work remotely

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Easy to Deploy

Enable on any Check Point gateway and integrate with leading identity vendors

제로 트러스트 보안을 구현하세요

It is clear that username and passwords no longer prove the identity of a user. Access control to your valuable assets must be strengthened. Check Point Identity Awareness ensures access to your data is granted only to authorized users, and only after their identities have been strictly authenticated; using Single Sign-On, Multi-Factor Authentication, Context-aware policies and anomaly detection.

1 2017 Verizon DBIR

Our Next Generation Firewall is More
Than Just a Firewall

More Than Just a Firewall Infographic Image

Use Context-Aware Authorization to
Protect Against Identity-Thieves

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