Cyber Pandemic Update –
Critical Vulnerability in Apache Log4j

Are you affected by the Log4j vulnerability?
Everything you need to know about this vulnerability, including how to stay protected, and how it is evolving worldwide.

Watch our webinar and read below to learn more.

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The Only Security Solution Which Pre-Emptively Prevented the Log4j Exploit!

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Scan Now for Log4j Vulnerabilities

A fully automated and extensive scanner for finding vulnerable log4j public hosts

Best Practice: Identifying and Mitigating the Impact of Sunburst

Apache Log4j Vulnerability – what do you need to know?

Apache Log4j is the most popular java logging library with over 400,000 downloads from its GitHub project. It used by a vast number of companies worldwide, enabling logging in a wide set of popular applications. Exploiting this vulnerability is simple and allows threat actors to control java-based web servers and launch remote code execution attacks. Read more insights from our Check Point Research team

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What you need to do to stay protected with Check Point Infinity

Check Point Infinity powered by Threat Cloud and AI-based prevention provides protection against the Log4j Vulnerability. Read more on how to stay protected.

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Amount of attacks

The numbers behind a cyber pandemic – detailed dive

Precisely one year after the SolarWinds Hack, the groundbreaking supply chain attack the world experienced, and while organizations are still struggling to protect the software supply chain from third-party risk, the Apache Log4j vulnerability exploit has caught security teams during a weekend.

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TechTalk Special Edition: What you need to know about log4j and how to protect your organization

In this CheckMates TechTalk Special Edition, Lotem Finklesteen, Director of Threat Intelligence and Research and Yaniv Shechtman, Head of Product Management, Threat Prevention tell you what you need to know about log4j and how you can protect your organization.

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How to protect web applications from the Log4j vulnerability

CloudGuard AppSec is the only solution providing pre-emptive protection for your web applications against the Log4j vulnerability. CloudGuard AppSec protects against these kinds of attacks out of the box with zero-day protection when set to Prevent Mode. CloudGuard AppSec is powered by AI, with no signature matching or manual updates to the security.


Log4j vulnerability protection for endpoints

Check Point는 Log4j 관련 공격을 완전히 차단하며 탐지를 가속화하고 취약한 엔드포인트를 조사할 수 있도록 Harmony Endpoint의 전용 탐지 및 차단 기능을 향상했습니다.

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A deep dive into a real-life Log4j exploitation

Check Point Research recently detected numerous attacks exploiting the Log4j vulnerability, involving the mining of cryptocurrencies.


The Laconic Log4Shell FAQ

Log4shell: Why is it such a big deal? What mitigations are available? Why are there so many complicated exploit variants? This piece surveys how we got here, and how we might avoid repeating history.

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Log4j – A true cyber pandemic

When we discussed the Cyber pandemic, this is exactly what we meant. It is clearly one of the most serious vulnerabilities on the internet in recent years.
Check Point Research witnessed new variations of the original exploit being introduced rapidly- over 60 in less than 24 hours.
Since we started to implement our protection we prevented over 845,000 attempts to allocate the vulnerability, over 46% of those attempts were made by known malicious groups.

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