Manage and Mitigate External Cyber Risks

Elevate your security operations with an external risk management solution that protects against threats like credential theft, fraud, and brand impersonation.

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Continuously Mitigate Threats Across the Web

Threat intelligence, digital risk protection, external attack surface management, dark web monitoring, and supply chain risk mitigation

  • Continuous Protection and Remediation
    Advanced technologies monitor the web, analyze vast sums of data, and correlate threat intelligence with your assets.
  • Comprehensive Cyber Risk Mitigation
    Detect and mitigate numerous risks, from misconfigurations and CVEs to phishing attacks, exposed credentials, and data leaks.
  • Quantified External Risk Reduction
    Quantify your organization’s external cyber risks, measure risk reduction over time, and easily report on progress to executive leadership.

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Extensive Capabilities in a Single Solution

We provide a comprehensive suite of capabilities to protect your organization from external cyber risks.

공격 표면 관리

Continuously discover, assess, and protect your organization’s internet-facing assets.

Digital Risk Protection    

Detect and take down attacks that impersonate your organization’s brands or executives.

사이버 위협 인텔리전스

Access a library of strategic intelligence, conduct forensic investigations, and operationalize threat intelligence.

Supply Chain Intelligence

Evaluate, monitor, and manage external risks introduced through your third-party suppliers and vendors.

Deep and Dark Web Monitoring

Gain exclusive visibility into thousands of sources across the deep and dark web to detect targeted threats.

Quantified Risk Scoring and Reporting

Measure, monitor, and report on your organization’s external cyber risk to demonstrate quantified progress and value.

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See External Risk Management in Action

  • Attack surface Management
  • 사이버 위협 인텔리전스
  • Digital Risk Protection
  • Supply Chain Intelligence

동영상 시청

End-To-End Protection Against External Cyber Risk

Check Point Infinity External Risk Management allows you to replace siloed products with a comprehensive solution that mitigates many external risks simultaneously.

Defend Attack Surface

Map out your digital estate, create an asset inventory, identify exposures, assess risks, and prioritize issues for rapid remediation – automatically and continuously.

Protect Brand Assets

Detect attacks that impersonate your brand, such as phishing sites, fraudulent social media profiles, malicious applications, and more.

Monitor the Deep and Dark Web

Gain unparalleled visibility into thousands of sources across the deep and dark web to uncover hidden threats targeting you.

Explore External Risk Management Resources

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Infinity External Risk Management Solution Brief

Check Point Infinity External Risk Management provides continuous and comprehensive protection against external cyber threats.

자세히 알아보기

600x250 PhishingProtectionPhishing & Impersonation Protection Handbook

Phishing and other brand impersonation attacks are a tried-and-true technique for threat actors. Learn more about these attacks and how you can prevent them.

600x250 ManagingCyberRiskManaging Cyber Risk Exposure

Quantifying cyber risk is no easy task. How should cyber leaders make decisions when there is so much uncertainty? Learn more in this ebook.

600x250 RaisingStakesSurfaceMgmtRaising The Stakes For Attack Surface Management

The attack surface is often defined narrowly, overlooking many common methods and techniques. Learn how to defend your full attack surface here.

600x250 BigBookDeepDarkWebThe Big Book Of Deep & Dark Web

To many cyber defenders, the deep and dark web remains a mystery. Learn more about the types of threats lurking on the dark web and how to mitigate them.

Webull case study

Webull Technologies fights fraud and ensures compliance with Check Point

“Once we identified the need to address the risk of fraudulent websites and social profiles, I quickly realized we needed to handle this in a scalable manner. Our solution is to use Infinity External Risk Management to help us automatically detect and takedown these threats.”
-Ken Lee
IT Risk and Governance Manager
Webull Technologies

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