Infinity NDR – Discover and Investigate Network Threats in Minutes

Infinity Network Detection and Response (NDR) is a plug-and-play solution enabling SOC analysts to discover, investigate and respond to attacks in a timely and intelligent manner.

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Security Operations Teams Require Strong Defense Tools

Threat actors keep finding new malicious tactics to attack organizations and cover their tracks. Organizations need additional lines of defense inside their internal networks. In order to prevent attacks and to accelerate detection and remediation, Network Detection and Response (NDR) plays a central role in their security strategy.

magnifying glass icon

Threat Discovery
and Prevention

Automate and streamline
security operations

visibility icon


Investigate and hunt threats
with instant observability

확장 아이콘


Simple integration to your
existing ecosystem in minutes

Discover and Prevent Threats, Automate and Streamline Security Operations

Horizon NDR discover

Infinity NDR discovers threats that may have eluded other security solutions and provides an automated or manual response to enhance and drive threat prevention.

Trofi Security customer story video

Trofi Security Defends Clients’ Priceless Assets with Check Point Infinity and CloudGuard

“Check Point makes life as a security professional much better. Integration and automation not only make security easier, they’re a better long-term approach to managing security”

– Michael Trofi, Founder and CEO, Trofi Security and acting CISO, United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

자세히 알아보기

Fueled by the Power of ThreatCloud AI

전 세계 수억 개의 센서에서 파생된 실시간 위협 인텔리전스를 제공하며, Check Point Research 팀의 AI 기반 엔진 및 독점 연구 데이터를 통해 위협 인텔리전스를 강화하였습니다.

infinity soc threatcloud

The Power of ThreatCloud AI


Zero-Day Files Detected Daily



13 Million

Files Emulated

3 Billion

Websites & Files Handled Daily

Rapid Deployment with Simple Integration
to Your Existing Ecosystem

Infinity NDR is quick, intuitive, and easy to deploy, and fits smoothly into your
security environment, to provide quantifiable value within minutes.

Automatic Deployment

Gain real-time network-wide visibility in minutes, with automated deployment and minimum configurations

Network Traffic

Provides an out-of-band cloud-native SaaS solution with no impact on network traffic and business applications


Delivers a multi-tenant, multi-layer SaaS platform for MSSPs, MDR, IR teams, enterprise SOCs, and network auditors

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