What is DDoS Protection?

A Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) attack is a form of cyberattack that aims to render an online service or website unavailable by flooding it with a large volume of traffic from multiple sources. DDoS protection is a multi-stage process that involves detection, filtering, and adaptation to malicious traffic to ensure the continuous availability of online services.

In this article we’ll explore the world of DDoS attacks, what they are, how they work, and most importantly, how you can protect yourself from them.

Quantum 디도스 프로텍터(DDoS Protector) 자세히 알아보기

Impact of DDoS Attacks on Businesses and Systems

We’ll begin by examining the ways in which DDoS attacks cause extensive damage to businesses.

  • Economic Consequences: Downtime or reduced availability caused by DDoS results in lost sales, decreased productivity, and increased customer support requests.
  • Operational Disruption: A DDoS attack may disrupt business operations by slowing down or blocking access to critical applications. Other consequences include compromised data integrity, compliance issues, and prolonged disruption of systems.
  • Reputation Damage: News of a successful DDoS spread quickly, causing reputational harm and even regulatory investigation. Successful attacks may harm employee morale and confidence in the organization’s ability to protect its assets.

What is a DDoS Attack?

A DDoS (denial of service) attack is a malicious attempt to take down a site or service by overwhelming it with traffic. A DoS differs from a DDoS by its scale, where the objective of DDoS is to consume as much bandwidth and processing power as possible:

  • Overwhelming the targeted system
  • Rendering it unable to respond to legitimate requests.

To execute a DDoS attack cybercriminals leverage a network of devices, consisting of hundreds or thousands of compromised systems, known as a botnet. The attackers signal the botnet to send a massive amount of traffic to the targeted system. That traffic may take the form of HTTP requests, DNS queries, and other types of common network communications.

Furthermore, DDoS attacks often act as a distraction to obfuscate a more extensive breach of systems.

Why is DDoS Protection Important?

Here are a few reasons why DDoS mitigation is essential:

  • Business Continuity: Since DDoS attacks can render your website or services unavailable, they cause significant disruptions to daily activities. If a business is perceived as vulnerable, it could lose customers seeking more reliable and secure services.
  • Customer Trust: When services are unavailable due to a DDoS attack, customers become frustrated and may lose faith in the organization’s ability to reliably deliver. A single incident can lead to long-term reputational damage, making it challenging to regain customer trust.
  • Legal and Compliance Requirements: Regulations require organizations to protect sensitive data and ensure service availability and failure to comply can result in severe penalties. DDoS mitigation ensures compliance with regulations like PCI-DSS, HIPAA, and GDPR.

How DDoS Protection Works

DDoS mitigation typically involves dedicated appliances that differentiate between legitimate traffic and malicious traffic. These comprehensive protection systems take a series of steps to detect and filter attack traffic, adapting in real-time to ensure the availability of systems.


Detection algorithms monitor for anomalous behaviors like sudden spikes in traffic volume, or rapid changes in packet sizes and protocols.

  • Behavioral analysis: Monitoring traffic behavior, inbound packet sizes, frequencies, and timing to detect unusual activity.
  • Protocol Analysis: Examination of packet protocols, like TCP, UDP, or ICMP, to identify suspicious patterns.
  • AI-Enhanced Adaptation: Systems featuring advanced machine learning algorithms can learn and adapt to the situation, improving malicious traffic detection accuracy.

Mitigation and Filtering

Incoming traffic filtering separates malicious traffic from legitimate and minimizes disruption to normal business operations. This is achieved using a combination of techniques:

  • IP Blocking: Identification of malicious IP addresses that are part of the attack and blocking them.
  • Traffic Re-Routing: The rerouting may take the form of /blackholing/ or /null routing/, where all traffic is diverted to a different IP address and dropped entirely. Or traffic can be /sinkholed/ — only traffic with a malicious IP origin is dropped.
  • Traffic Scrubbing: Suspicious traffic is identified and dynamically dropped from reaching its intended destination.

Common Threats and Attack Vectors

While DDoS attacks are all based on the same principles, each attack may take different forms.

  • Volumetric Attacks: The target system is flooded with an overwhelming amount of traffic; the congestion makes it impossible for legitimate users to access the service.
  • Application Layer Attacks: Attacks against applications (layer 7 in the OSI model) mimic legitimate user behavior to exhaust system resources.
  • Network Layer Attacks: These attacks target the network itself (layers 3 and 4 of the OSI model), and aim to overwhelm the network infrastructure – routers and firewalls – to cause service disruption.

DDoS Protection Solutions

Because DDoS attacks can target different layers of the infrastructure, effective DDoS mitigation solutions must address those vulnerabilities accordingly:

  • Network Layer Protection: This involves the implementation of firewalls and intrusion detection systems (IDS) to block unauthorized traffic. Network segmentation may be used to isolate critical systems from the broader network.
  • Application Layer Protection: Web Application Firewalls (WAFs) safeguard both internal and public-facing applications against DDoS. Rate limiting and traffic shaping techniques may be deployed to control malicious traffic.
  • Cloud-based DDoS Protection Services: Cloud DDoS protection solutions ensure seamless integration with existing infrastructure. These offerings are notable in that they can scale up rapidly to deal with sudden large spikes in malicious network activity.

Key Components of an Effective DDoS Protection Solution

Effective DDoS protection solutions consist of advanced threat detection and mitigation capabilities.

  • Real-Time Traffic Monitoring and Analysis: Detection of traffic irregularities as they occur is essential for a timely response. Sophisticated, real time traffic analytics identify and alert on anomalous behavior indicative of an emerging DDoS attack.
  • Advanced Threat Detection and Mitigation Techniques: AI-powered threat detection capabilities are essential. They utilize machine learning algorithms to adapt to threats. Rate limiting and IP bans are used to mitigate the attack in progress.
  • Flexible Configuration Options for Adaptability: On-premises hardware, cloud solutions, and hybrid deployment options enable organizations to customize solutions to fit their unique threat profile and optimize for DDoS attack resilience.

DDoS 방어 서비스

Organizations may rely upon DDoS mitigation services which possess the necessary tools and expertise to protect. The service may use any of the techniques mentioned above:

  • Traffic analysis
  • Diversion of traffic to scrubbing centers
  • Discerning and blocking anomalous traffic
  • Ensuring routing of legitimate traffic

Organizations that rely upon such services are better able to maintain business operations in spite of DDoS events.

Effective DDoS mitigation services provide the capacity to handle high-volume, persistent attacks while offering high-quality network protection and reliability for affected services.

Mitigate DDoS Attacks with Quantum DDoS Protector

The frequency and scale of DDoS attacks increase every year, with cybercriminals employing increasingly sophisticated techniques like RDoS  that traditional security solutions cannot protect against. A DDoS attack’s effect on business operations can be devastating: significant financial losses amounting to thousands of dollars per hour, substantial reputational damage, and loss of customer and employee trust.

Effective DDoS prevention is essential. The Check Point Quantum DDoS Protector combines industry-leading performance, AI/ML behavioral-based algorithms, automated scalable prevention of attacks, and advanced threat protection to protect against destructive DDoS attacks before they cause damage.

Don’t wait until it’s too late — experience the power of Check Point’s next-generation DDoS protection and schedule a personalized demo today.

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