Microsoft Exchange Hack:
What You Need to Know and How You Can Remain Protected

On March 2nd, 2021, Volexity reported the in-the-wild exploitation of the following Microsoft Exchange Server vulnerabilities: CVE-2021-26855CVE-2021-26857CVE-2021-26858, and CVE-2021-27065. Further investigation uncovered that an attacker was exploiting a zero-day and used in the wild. The attacker was using the vulnerability to steal full contents of several user mailboxes. This vulnerability is remotely exploitable and does not require authentication or special knowledge or access to a specific environment. Our teams are working across the board, side-by-side with other industry leaders, to provide the best protection against these attacks.


MS Exchange vulnerabilities hero floater

Exchange Attacks

Attacks Targeting
Microsoft Exchange:
Check Point Customers Remain Protected

Based on signatures and indicators observed, Check Point is making sure its customers are protected against those exploits. In addition, we recommend immediately updating all Microsoft Exchange Servers to the latest patched versions available by Microsoft. Check Point is closely monitoring the situation and will provide further updates if needed.

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사고 대응 서비스

낮이든 밤이든 언제든지 조직은 파괴적인 사이버 범죄의 희생양이 될 수 있습니다. 사이버 공격이 언제 발생할지 예측할 수는 없지만 사전 예방적 사고 대응을 사용하여 그 영향을 신속하게 완화하거나 완전히 방지할 수 있습니다.

핫라인 목록

the Four Zero-day Microsoft Exchange

Exploits on Organizations Worldwide Grow Tenfold after Microsoft’s Revelation

  • CPR has seen thousands of exploit attempts against organizations worldwide.
  • CPR has observed that the number of attempted attacks have increased tenfold from 700 on March 11 to over 7,200 on March 15.
  • The country most attacked has been The United States (17% of all exploit attempts), followed by Germany (6%), the United Kingdom (5%), The Netherlands (5%) and Russia (4%).
  • Most targeted industry sector has been Government/Military (23% of all exploit attempts), followed by Manufacturing (15%), Banking & Financial Services (14%), Software vendors (7%) and Healthcare (6%).
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침입 방지 시스템(IPS)

침입 방지 시스템은 취약한 시스템이나 애플리케이션의 약점을 악용하려는 시도를 탐지 또는 방지하여 최신 위협을 악용하려는 경쟁에서 사용자를 보호합니다.체크 포인트 차세대 방화벽의 IPS 보호는 자동으로 업데이트됩니다.취약성이 몇 년 전에 릴리스되었든 몇 분 전에 릴리스되었든, 조직은 보호됩니다.

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Intrusion Prevention Systems

CPR 로고

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