There’s nothing like experiencing a legitimate cyber security incident to test your responses. Take advantage of our Tabletop Exercises to give your team incident response experience without suffering the real-world consequences. We offer a wide range of potential scenarios, or we can customize scenarios to your organization’s specific needs. Whether to highlight deficiencies, test the strength of existing defenses against the latest threats, or to help improve teamwork—we’re here to support your goals.

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  • See what’s working: Tabletop exercises can test your current policies and procedures to ensure they work as expected. And if they don’t, understand why and how they need to be corrected.
  • Fix the plan: Tests often uncover areas needing improvement. Maybe team assignments need changed. There might be response gaps. Or perhaps remediation tools lack the effectiveness you need. We can help you address and remedy deficiencies and test them again.
  • Train responders: Effective threat response requires teamwork. We’ll help you identify training deficiencies, close communication gaps, and expand response awareness to other teams responsible for business-critical processes across the organization.



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The Check Point team prepares for success with in-depth engagement planning 2-4 weeks in advance of our onsite time. With a firm plan in hand, we’ll spend average of hours working with your team.


Most relevant roles

Ideal number of participants
2-12 Professionals

In Person & Virtual

Infinity Global Services

チェック・ポイント Infinity Global Services は、チームの専門知識を強化し、ベスト プラクティスを設計し、リアルタイムで脅威を防止できるエンドツーエンドのセキュリティ サービスを提供します。 サイバーセキュリティの旅のどの段階にあっても、そこから始めます。 当社の精鋭の専門家がお客様のチームと協力して、組織を次のレベルの保護に引き上げ、サイバーレジリエンス計画を構築します。


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