
Software-Defined Data Center (SDDC/SDN) Advisory & Consulting Services

Our SDDC/SDN Advisory & Consulting Services are at the vanguard of data center transformation, incorporating tools like Cisco Modeling Labs (CML) by Cisco Systems and ContainerLab, Infrastructure as Code (IaC), and a NetOps best practices complementing DevOps. By integrating top-tier SDDC technologies like Cisco ACI, VMware NSX, Nuage Networks, OpenStack, Huawei Cloud Fabric, and Juniper Networks, we architect a responsive and comprehensive data center ecosystem fully equipped to propel your business forward.

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  • Holistic Automation: Blend IaC with NetOps practices to automate network operations, enhancing efficiency and reducing the scope for errors.
  • Agile Infrastructure: Employ IaC and NetOps to adapt network configurations per evolving application and business needs rapidly.
  • Seamless Collaboration: Strengthen collaboration between network (NetOps), development (DevOps), and IT operations teams for a unified approach to infrastructure management.
  • Robust Multi-Vendor Strategy: Expert guidance in unifying diverse technologies, including Cisco ACI, NSX, Nuage, OpenStack, Huawei, and Juniper, for an integrated SDDC approach.
  • Predictive Analytics: Utilize Cisco Modeling Labs and NetOps monitoring tools to gain predictive insights, ensuring optimal network performance and proactive resolution of issues.

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  • Security Segmentation Frameworks: Customized security segmentation strategies embedded within your SDDC to safeguard your digital assets.
  • IaC and NetOps Blueprints: Infrastructure as Code templates and NetOps scripts incorporating security best practices for consistent and secure SDDC deployments.
  • Simulation & Security Assessments: Detailed reports from Cisco Modeling Labs simulations integrated with security segmentation analyses, identifying vulnerabilities and optimization opportunities.
  • Simulation & Analysis Reports: Cisco Modeling Labs simulations integrated with NetOps insights, providing comprehensive performance and security analyses.
  • Technology Integration Roadmaps: Detailed plans for harmonizing SDDC technologies with IaC and NetOps methodologies for a cohesive data center strategy.
  • Visual Presentations & Blueprints: Summarized presentations of the SDDC transformation journey, demonstrating the integration of IaC and NetOps for a future-ready infrastructure.


Most relevant roles
IT Executives, Network and Cloud Architects, Automation and Network Operations Experts, Cybersecurity Specialists, Compliance Officers

Ideal number of participants
7-10 participants Professionals


チェック・ポイント Infinity Global Services は、チームの専門知識を強化し、ベスト プラクティスを設計し、リアルタイムで脅威を防止できるエンドツーエンドのセキュリティ サービスを提供します。 サイバーセキュリティの旅のどの段階にあっても、そこから始めます。 当社の精鋭の専門家がお客様のチームと協力して、組織を次のレベルの保護に引き上げ、サイバーレジリエンス計画を構築します。


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