The Dedicated Engineer is a dedicated resource who will become an extension of your team as the Check Point subject-matter-expert.

Dedicated Engineers provide a flexible staff augmentation solution to assist you with your staffing challenges. The Dedicated Engineer will work as a functional member of your day-to-day support staff and will become an extension of your network security team.

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  • A dedicated long-term consultant with a deep level of technical expertise, product knowledge, and industry experience.
  • Your Dedicated Engineer will ensure that your products are configured for optimal performance and provide consistent guidance about the best use of your Check Point products.
  • Oversight, management and administration handled by Check Point



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  • Professional Services Dedicated Engineer for a 1 year contract (1 full time resource).
  • Remote only


Most relevant roles

Ideal number of participants

Remote only

Infinity Global Services

チェック・ポイント Infinity Global Services は、チームの専門知識を強化し、ベスト プラクティスを設計し、リアルタイムで脅威を防止できるエンドツーエンドのセキュリティ サービスを提供します。 サイバーセキュリティの旅のどの段階にあっても、そこから始めます。 当社の精鋭の専門家がお客様のチームと協力して、組織を次のレベルの保護に引き上げ、サイバーレジリエンス計画を構築します。


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