Infinity Global Services

Remote Consultation Days

Customized consulting services to be delivered by our experienced Professional Service consultants to meet your unique needs. Leverage their expertise to quickly and efficiently implement the solution that best aligns with your requirements.

Your organization has significantly invested in Check Point technologies. To ensure you realize optimum value from our products and achieve maximum return on investment, we are pleased to offer a block of Professional Services consulting days.

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  • Technical Experience – Lean on our consultants who possess in-depth knowledge of our Check Point products and will ensure that best practices are followed.
  • Success Planning – Collaborate with Check Point security experts to develop a customized plan, ensuring optimal value extraction from Check Point technologies.
  • Technical Contact – Have a dedicated technical contact during projects to provide guidance grounded in best practices and offer recommendations meticulously tailored to align with your organization’s needs.
  • Flexibility –You can use the days for any PS service. Including: installations, upgrades, optimization, health checks, risk assessments, and more…
  • Scheduling – Contact your assigned Project Coordinator to schedule work.
  • Validity – Pool of Days package is valid up to 1 year.



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Your PS Consultant will be designated to your project until the scope of work is completed successfully (different bundles including: 1, 5, 12, or 20 Remote Consultation Days).

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Infinity Global Services

チェック・ポイント Infinity Global Services は、チームの専門知識を強化し、ベスト プラクティスを設計し、リアルタイムで脅威を防止できるエンドツーエンドのセキュリティ サービスを提供します。 サイバーセキュリティの旅のどの段階にあっても、そこから始めます。 当社の精鋭の専門家がお客様のチームと協力して、組織を次のレベルの保護に引き上げ、サイバーレジリエンス計画を構築します。


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