Software-defined WAN (SD-WAN) technology applies software-defined networking (SDN) concepts for the purpose of distributing network traffic throughout a wide area network (WAN). SD-WANs work automatically, using predefined policies to identify the most effective route for application traffic passing from branch offices to headquarters, the cloud, and the Internet. A centralized controller manages the SD-WAN, sending policy information to all connected devices.

The SD-WAN model operates using a distributed network fabric, which typically does not include the security and access controls needed to protect enterprise networks in the cloud. To address this problem SD-WAN is combined with Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) network security products.

Our comprehensive Managed Services scope covers all aspects of SD-WAN and SASE support including 24/7 Realtime Telemetry Monitoring, Policy Management, Design, Changes, Tunning, Troubleshooting, Software Patching, OS Upgrades. Our service supports Check Point SASE, SD-WAN, and other third-party solutions. Additionally, we integrate with existing IT and Infosec operations teams for Incident Handling and Advanced Product Support.

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  • Geographic expansion
    When a company expands into a new geographical region, or executes a merger or acquisition, it can use the existing network services at the new location, leveraging SD-WAN to manage new and old locations using one unified policy and control interface.
  • Making better use of WAN capacity
    Using a dual connectivity strategy combining public and private network services. SD-WAN can use public Internet services to offload some private network traffic, reserving private network capacity for applications that are business critical or need low latency.
  • Improving WAN resilience
    Creating a hybrid network environment with multiple network connections to the same site, operating in an active/active configuration. Under normal circumstances, traffic can be balanced between services, but if one connection is lost, traffic can fail over to another service.
  • クラウドへの移行
    Enabling digital transformation, by migrating various applications to the cloud. SD-WAN supports application-based routing, so each application can use the wide area service that best suits its needs, whether it is deployed in the cloud or on-premises.




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From day one, our expert teams collaborate closely with yours to ensure a seamless onboarding process. We work hand-in-hand to understand your unique network environment, aligning our services with your specific needs, and establishing effective communication channels. Beyond mere issue resolution, our services are designed to provide ongoing improvement. Once onboarded, we continuously assess your SD-WAN and SASE environments, seeking opportunities for enhancement and optimization. Our experts proactively identify areas where performance can be elevated, efficiency increased, and costs optimized.


Most relevant roles
CISO, CIO, CTO, Director of IT, Director of Security, SOC and NOC Directors

Ideal number of participants
2-5 プロフェッショナル


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