Virtual Systems

Check Point Virtual Systems taps the power of virtualization to consolidate and simplify security for private clouds while delivering on a lower total cost of ownership. It enables customized security against evolving network threats


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Scale with up to 13 clustered gateways with Virtual System Load Sharing (VSLS) technology

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Separate Security Domains

Each Virtual System has a separate policy and security feature set that is completely customizable

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Security Consolidation

Deploy separate virtual systems on one physical security appliance


Our Next Generation Firewall Is
More Than Just a Firewall

Our Next Generation Firewall Is More Than Just a Firewall diagram

ゼロ トラスト セキュリティを実現

zero trust icon

ゼロ トラスト セキュリティでは、脅威がシステム間を移動するリスクを軽減するために、ネットワークが「分割統治」されます。

Check Point Network Firewalls enable you to create granular network segmentation across public/private cloud and LAN environments. With detailed visibility into the users, groups, applications, machines and connection types on your network, they allow you to set and enforce a “Least Privileged” access policy. So, only the right users and devices can access your protected assets.

ゼロ トラスト導入の取り組みを開始する



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