Cloud Security Compliance

Cloud infrastructure is subject to a wide variety of international, federal, state, and local security regulations. Organizations must comply or face the added risks of legal challenges, penalties, and fines. Check Point delivers streamlined, automated compliance and governance across all public cloud environments.


Cloud Security Compliance

The Importance of Cloud Security Compliance

The Importance of Cloud Security Compliance

When it comes to compliance, businesses must consider varying federal and state laws that protect information security and privacy of regulated data such as health records, personally identifiable information (PII), and credit card numbers, as well as complex global and regional regulations as they apply to specific industries.

With 83 percent of enterprise workloads now in the cloud, organizations must also ensure their cloud computing infrastructure complies with all of these applicable laws and regulations covering IT governance.

Cloud Compliance Involves Multiple Clouds, Departments and Third Parties

There needs to be a system in place that streamlines compliance throughout the organization. Since “cloud” includes a variety of products and services, cloud compliance exists on multiple levels, not all of which are controlled by the same parties. Compliance, therefore not only requires collaboration across multiple departments inside an enterprise, but also must extend across multiple cloud environments.

Cloud Compliance Involves Multiple Clouds, Departments and Third Parties



Doing compliance checks once or twice a year is no longer enough. With the proliferation of public cloud applications, compliance teams need to automate IT compliance posture to track status and resolve issues. Cloud compliance tools and controls must meet the agile needs of cloud native deployments. An automated compliance framework will ensure compliance requirements are being met globally, no matter where that data is stored, transmitted, or accessed.

カスタム ポリシー

Make sure the system and framework you use has a catalog of pre-built rulesets to accommodate all CSPs, as well as a way to update outdated rule sets as needed. Additionally, make sure there is an easy and clear way to create and enforce custom governance policies that are tailored to specific business needs.


カスタム ポリシー


Clearing Audits

It’s crucial that you are able to prove and clear audits. Ensure your solution has audit log retention and assessment reports for proof of security posture across business units, VPCs and cloud accounts.

Unified Cloud Security Compliance

The Compliance Engine in the CloudGuard platform delivers end-to-end compliance management with automated data aggregation and in-place remediation for public cloud environments. CloudGuard simplifies the public cloud compliance process and cuts the time to compliance by up to 80%.

Unified Cloud Security Compliance


  • 評価、修正、継続的な適用を実現するエンドツーエンドのセキュリティおよびクラウド コンプライアンス管理
  • データをリアルタイムで自動的に集約
  • PCI DSSなどの基準へのコンプライアンスをチェックする業界ベスト・プラクティスと組み込みのテスト・パッケージ
  • 革新的なGovernance Specification Language(GSL)を使用してカスタム ポリシーを作成
  • セキュリティに関する500以上の業界ベスト プラクティスに対応
  • すべての部門、仮想ネットワーク、クラウド・アカウントのセキュリティ状況を証明する印刷対応の評価レポート


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