
小規模企業および中規模企業(SMB)はサイバー攻撃の格好の標的となっています。 SMBの多くは専門知識や人材、IT予算が不足しており、サイバー攻撃に的確に対処するのは困難です。 こうした企業のパートナーになることは、大きなビジネス チャンスにつながります。 チェック・ポイントは、新たにパートナーとなった企業の皆様がシンプルかつ迅速に収益向上を実現できるよう後押しします。


Quantum Sparkのロゴのフローティング アイコン

Why You Should Sell Check Point Infinity Spark

man and networking wheel icon

A Unique Market

SMBs are highly unprotected when it comes to cyberattacks; and 54% of attacks on SMBs are successful. It’s time for you to seize this opportunity.



Our SMB security solutions are easy to install, deploy, and manage with auto-generated policies for advanced threat prevention.

onboarding icon

Easy Onboarding
for Partners

Take our new SMB Jump Start training to become a trusted security advisor in the SMB market and accelerate business.

Say Hello to Infinity Spark

Bundles featuring the best security, connectivity, and management for any business size

Infinity Spark provides Managed Service Providers (MSPs):

  • To provide their customers enterprise-grade security across networks email, office, endpoint, and mobile devices
  • A single MSP dashboard with zero touch provisioning and scalable cloud services, enabling consolidated security management
  • Protection for their customers against advanced threats including phishing, ransomware, credential theft, and DNS attacks with a 99.7% malware catch rate
  • Quantum Spark 1500 Pro Series, the industry’s 1st gateways with integrated artificial intelligence security, 5G, SD-WAN, and Wi-Fi 6


End-to-end Security Suite Tailored To Your Business Size

A growing number of data breaches are targeted at small and medium businesses. Simplify the process of protecting your business from today’s sophisticated cyberattacks, from network and endpoint security all the way to email and collaboration application security.

Learn how Check Point can:

  • ネットワークを保護
  • Secure Your Mobile Devices & Endpoints
  • Secure Your Cloud Email & SaaS Apps
  • Simplify Setup & Management


SMB向けセキュリティ スイート群

次世代ファイアウォール ファミリー: 社員数1~500名のSMB向け

SMBを保護するQuantum Spark次世代ファイアウォール

今日のサイバー環境は、特に小中規模企業(SMB)にとって過酷です。 SMBの多くは専門知識や人材、IT予算が不足しており、万全のセキュリティ対策を講じるのは困難です。 SMB向けの次世代ファイアウォールであるQuantum Sparkは、社員数500人規模までの企業に適した保護機能を備えており、Webポータルやモバイル アプリから容易に管理することができます。


Reduce Operations Costs with
Unified Management

  • Replace 4 separate consoles with one user-friendly MSP dashboard across network, mobile, endpoint, and email
  • Cloud-delivered multi-tenant management for increased scalability
  • Significantly reduce MSP operational costs and resources

User friendly MSP dashboard

Immediate Provisioning of New Users

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  • Full security protection in less than 60 seconds with zero touch provisioning
  • Pay-as-you-Go (PAYG) with flexible monthly billing

小規模企業および中規模企業向けのセキュリティ レポート



Unlike Larger Enterprises, SMBs are Highly
Undefended When It Comes to Cyberattacks

  • SMBs possess sufficiently valuable information; enough to make it worth an attacker’s time
  • SMBで採用されているセキュリティ・インフラストラクチャやセキュリティ対策は緻密さに欠ける
  • 専任のセキュリティ担当者を確保している企業はほとんどなく、リソースの調整が困難
  • SMBの間ではクラウド、モバイル、SaaSテクノロジーの導入が進んでおり、結果として攻撃者に狙われるリスクが増大


Only 25% of SMBs feel they are well prepared for a
cyber-attack on their company

Protecting Your Customer Requires SMB Knowledge

By taking our new SMB Jump Start training you will be able to learn all about our new line of products and how to protect against the
advanced cyber-attacks and zero-threats that plague the industry today.


The option to become a specialized SMB partner is available for all partners who wish to master
Check Point’s SMB Appliances and reap the benefits.

SMB partner badge 600x600

Discover Check Point Next
Generation SMB Solutions




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