Southern Cyber’s mission is to deliver world-class information security solutions that align businesses with leading security frameworks and compliance standards. Southern Cyber specializes in empowering organizations across industries to operate securely and confidently. With a strong focus on governance, risk, and compliance, Southern Cyber provides tailored strategies to protect business operations and strengthen resilience. Southern Cyber’s work not only shields organizations from evolving cyber threats, but also plays a vital role in securing the digital infrastructure that underpins Australia’s economy and security.
“There is immense value in partnering with an innovative and highly reputable security vendor like Check Point. Their cutting-edge solutions consistently empower organizations to stay ahead of evolving threats. Moreover, the exceptional support we’ve received from the Check Point team has been instrumental in driving our success and strengthening our commitment to delivering robust cyber security outcomes for our clients.”
-Matt Payze, Senior Consultant, Southern Cyber
“The compliance blade is especially important to maintain our PCI DSS compliance we hold so dear.”
60 を超える 業界にサービスを提供
世界中に100,000 を超える クライアント
30 年を超える業界での専門知識
Brisbane Catholic Education (BCE) is a learning community comprised of the Catholic schools and staff of the Brisbane Catholic Education Office. With over 140 schools, BCE provides quality teaching and learning outcomes for 77,000 prep-to-year-12 students. To fulfill its mission to teach, challenge and transform, BCE inspires a love of learning and strives to realize the potential of its students, staff and communities.
The Harris Center transforms the lives of people with behavioral, health and intellectual and developmental disabilities.
KKCompany Technologies delivers streaming, multimedia technology and cloud intelligence services that enable customers to accelerate digital transformation.
Singapore Advanced Research and Education Network (SingAREN) is Singapore’s national research and education network. It provides high-speed connectivity and other data services to Singapore’s universities, research institutes, the National Supercomputing Centre (NSCC), and other government and industrial partners.
Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital offers best-in-class treatment driven by technology, talent, care and compassion.
私たちの使命は、最大規模の企業、政府、サービス プロバイダー組織のセキュリティを、世界中で支援することです。
Inside Trofi Security's Scalable Protection Strategy
During its more than 15-year history, Trofi Security has maintained a commitment to its clients of ensuring they receive the very best guidance and service the market has to offer. Part of Trofi Security’s mission has been to forgo quantity of business for quality of execution, and as a result, Trofi Security has remained a boutique information security company utilizing only senior-level practitioners on its engagements.
“We are very pleased with Quantum Force and its ease of deployment and performance boosts, including throughput and threat prevention handling with the new AI engines. We especially like the big gains in HTTPS inspection, which is now much easier to operate efficiently and increases our overall detection rates for malicious activity.”
-Michael Trofi founder and vCISO at Trofi Security
How Gentera Secures its Digital Transformation
Gentera is a group of companies focused on eradicating financial exclusion through financial services, including credit, savings, insurance, payment methods, remittances, and financial education. The organization serves over 3.2 million clients across its subsidiaries in Mexico, Guatemala, and Peru. These subsidiaries include Compartamos Banco, Compartamos Financiera, Yastás, Aterna, Intermex, and Fundación Gentera.
“Check Point has enhanced visibility into the threats targeting us, as well as improved the ability to respond to incidents quickly. Check Point has not only helped us to strengthen our cyber security posture but has also improved operational efficiency as we digitally transform the services we provide our customers.”
-Carlos Bravo, chief information security officer at Gentera
Grand Canyon Education’s Winning Cloud Security Curriculum: Continuous...
Grand Canyon Education (GCE) is a shared services partner dedicated to serving colleges and universities. GCE’s leadership team has been leading educational transformation since 1983 and supports partner institutions’ students through operational functions that achieve organizational growth and student success. GCE can design programs that serve your diverse student body on campus or online at the undergraduate, master and doctoral program levels.
These functions support the complete student life cycle including strategic enrollment management, academic counseling, financial services, learning management system support, technical support, student information system support, compliance, marketing, human resources, classroom operations, curriculum development, faculty recruitment and training, among others.
“CloudGuard Posture Management enabled us to understand our environment comprehensively, find vulnerabilities, and prioritize what was most vulnerable and the highest risk to us.”
-Michael Manrod, CISO at Grand Canyon Education
Securing Email Infrastructure Strengthens the Michael Hill Group
Founded in 1979, the Michael Hill Group is a market-leading jewelry retailer. With a portfolio of luxury brands and collections, the Michael Hill Group operates a network of more than 300 stores across Australia, New Zealand and Canada, with multiple international digital platforms.
“After a two-year cyber security transformation, Check Point’s Harmony Email & Collaboration was one of the key platforms implemented. Today we are providing higher levels of security services to our people around the world. Harmony Email & Collaboration ensures every user has best in class protection from relentless phishing attempts. Our team are better placed to mitigate threats and continue to execute our operational plans and ongoing Cyber GRC strategies.”
-Matt Keays, Chief Technology Officer, Michael Hill Group
Southern Cyber Builds Its "Prevention First" Cybersecurity Strategy
Southern Cyber’s mission is to deliver world-class information security solutions that align businesses with leading security frameworks and compliance standards. Southern Cyber specializes in empowering organizations across industries to operate securely and confidently. With a strong focus on governance, risk, and compliance, Southern Cyber provides tailored strategies to protect business operations and strengthen resilience. Southern Cyber’s work not only shields organizations from evolving cyber threats, but also plays a vital role in securing the digital infrastructure that underpins Australia’s economy and security.
“There is immense value in partnering with an innovative and highly reputable security vendor like Check Point. Their cutting-edge solutions consistently empower organizations to stay ahead of evolving threats. Moreover, the exceptional support we’ve received from the Check Point team has been instrumental in driving our success and strengthening our commitment to delivering robust cyber security outcomes for our clients.”
-Matt Payze, Senior Consultant, Southern Cyber
Visiativ Defends Customers’ Websites, Web Applications, APIs, and...
Visiativ helps small and medium-sized businesses successfully develop and implement digital business solutions. Customers rely on Visiativ for cloud hosting, web hosting, and security services. From consulting, solution selection, and design to implementation and management – Visiativ helps businesses focus on their goals without worries about infrastructure or security.
“Check Point CloudGuard WAF gives us exactly what we need to deliver enterprise-class security to our customers affordably through our solution ProxeeGuard.”
-Laurent Lachkar, Cyber Security Expert, Visiativ
From Ranches to Routers: How North 40 Outfitters...
North 40 Outfitters is a family owned and operated business headquartered in Great Falls, Montana. The company has been in business since 1997 and has maintained a focus on product lines that serve the Farm, Ranch, and Outdoor needs of the three-state area where the 12 store locations reside. They have been serving the greater Spokane area for over 22 years.
“We’ve been able to save time with Check Point. Check Point assists us with identifying malicious threats and remediating them much quicker than we could with others.”
-Jamie Miller, senior systems administrator, North 40 Outfitters
Quishing, GenAI, and Beyond: How Network Technology Partners...
For over 20 years, Network Technology Partners (NTP) has provided cutting-edge, real-time cyber security and information technology to small businesses, mid-sized organizations, and Fortune 500 companies that want advanced security with a personal touch. NTP gets to know its customers and their business goals and becomes invested in helping their business to stay secure. Nothing compares to a multi-layered approach with personal attention, the latest, customizable cyber security solutions, and the most reputable cyber intelligence partners in the industry.
“As someone who’s been doing cyber security for many years and has setup a lot of different security products, I find the Harmony Email and Collaboration Suite onboarding process to be the smoothest. There’s no other solution that has been so easy to adopt, very easy to understand, very simple to get started, and shows its value very quickly.”
-Max Dzlak, CTO at Network Technology Partners
Urgent Care, Urgent Security: How Fast Pace Health...
Fast Pace Health delivers high-quality, accessible, and compassionate healthcare services to rural communities that are often overlooked. Since their inception in 2009 with a single urgent care facility in Collinwood, TN, they have expanded significantly. Today, their network encompasses over 265 healthcare centers spread across Tennessee, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Indiana, and Alabama. They proudly offer a comprehensive range of services including primary care, dermatology, orthopedics, physical therapy, and behavioral health – all tailored to meet the unique needs of the communities they serve.
“With Infinity XDR and Playblocks we are able to see attacks in real-time and it’s given us the ability to stop attacks in their tracks. It shortens our time to respond significantly.”
-Milinko Milincic, Information Security Architect, Fast Pace Health
あなたの成功事例を共有してください! Check Point のトップ ユーザーになりましょう。ブランドの認知度を高めながら、テクノロジー コミュニティ内でイノベーター、思想リーダー、さらに信頼感のある提供源となることができます。
North 40 Outfitters is a family owned and operated business headquartered in Great Falls, Montana. The company has been in business since 1997 and has maintained a focus on product lines that serve the Farm, Ranch, and Outdoor needs of the three-state area where the 12 store locations reside. They have been serving the greater Spokane area for over 22 years.
“We’ve been able to save time with Check Point. Check Point assists us with identifying malicious threats and remediating them much quicker than we could with others.”
-Jamie Miller, senior systems administrator, North 40 Outfitters
Alpine Energy は、ニュージーランドの最も困難な地域内で 33,500 を超える顧客に電力を供給しています。同社は、サービスを継続的に革新し、ますます対処が困難になる様相を呈しているサイバー脅威から防御するために、デジタル トランスフォーメーションの取り組みに着手しています。
「当社のような企業が、より創造的に課題解決を実行する中で、セキュリティによる影響が予想されています。深層での防衛とベスト プラクティスの枠組みは基本です。Check Point のソリューションに加え、当社の VTS とのパートナーシップにより、正しい選択をするために必要な結果と、安心感がもたらされています。」
–Alpine Energy 社、最高デジタル責任者、Matthew Ireland 氏
Clarks 社は、1825 年に 2 人の兄弟によって設立され、現在の売上高は 15 億ポンドにのぼり、世界中で 1,400 店舗を展開しています。世界初の足型の靴を発明したのも同社です。また、3D プリンティング、ラピッド プロトタイピング、デジタル フット ゲージなどイノベーションを継続しています。これまで 4,600 万足を製造してきた Clarks 社は、75 の国々において、顧客のスタイル センスと快適さにアピールし続けています。
「Check Point Quantum Network Security のおかげで、業界でもトップ レベルの保護と良好な可視性が手に入りました。より多くのセキュリティ サービスを自社で管理できています、」と Fletcher 氏は言います。「私たちはセキュリティを簡素化することを検討していました。そしてそれを実現しながら、非常に多くの追加的メリットも獲得したのです。」
– ネットワーク サービス マネージャー、Dan Fletcher 氏
Marple Newtown School District is a K-12 public school district in southeast Pennsylvania.
“Check Point gives us an all-in-one solution that enables us to take a holistic approach to security. We have comprehensive capabilities at our fingertips
that integrate seamlessly. With a 360-degree view, we can protect every aspect of our environment.”
—Christopher Lee, Director of Technology, Marple Newtown School District
“An unexpected benefit of Check Point has been for our security operations. With the Check Point Infinity XDR/XPR solution, we have single-pane-of-glass visibility into everything. The threat detection and event correlation has proven to be highly accurate and allowed us to pick up threats we otherwise would not have seen.”
—Wes Farris, Director of Information Security and Enterprise Architecture, Harris Center for Mental Health and IDD