CloudGuard provides the first comprehensive, fully automated, cloud-native workload security solution. It provides unified visibility, compliance and threat prevention across applications, APIs and microservices (K8s containers & serverless functions), from development through runtime.
Webinar: Unified Workload Protection From CI/CD Through Runtime WATCH NOW
Secure applications & microservices
to achieve zero trust
Auto-deploy & enforce security into
the DevOps pipeline
Security across all clouds and any workload architecture
eBook: Serverless Security Advantages DOWNLOAD NOW
From development through runtime, ensure that all applications, APIs, containers and serverless functions remain fully secured. Empower DevOps teams with a shift left tool to ensure that all code is automatically security centric.
Image assurance is an advanced security solution that identifies and detects any unauthorized changes to your system images, assuring that only trusted images are allowed to run in your environment. Image assurance also provides real-time visibility into the integrity of your images, allowing you to respond quickly to incoming threats.
Admission Control provides policy-based access control for workloads running in Kubernetes. It helps protect against malicious actors, unauthorized access, and data exfiltration by providing granular control over which workloads can access each other, as well as the Internet. Kubernetes Admission Control also helps organizations maintain compliance with internal security policies and industry regulations.
Kubernetes Posture Management helps organizations secure their cloud-native applications by monitoring and enforcing the configuration of their Kubernetes clusters, ensuring that all workloads are running in a compliant, secure state. It provides an automated approach to continuously monitor and ensure the security posture of Kubernetes clusters and workloads.
“We selected CloudGuard as it seamlessly integrated into our ever-expanding use of AWS Lambda functions and helped automate security into our serverless できます。 また、CI/CDパイプラインの統合を進める際にアプリケーションを簡単かつ継続的に保護できるようになりました」
– ブレント・バイン(Brent Bain)氏、リード クラウド アーキテクト兼システム エンジニア、Best Friends Animal Society
Webinar: How to Layer Security into Modern Cloud Applications WATCH NOW
Security needs and considerations. DevSecOps and cloud providers are tasked with scanning each layer and every component for security issues, corporate compliance and best practices, and to ensure that they remain protected against threats.
CloudGuard unifies workload protection, providing visibility, security controls and scanning across the entire cloud workload from the first line of code through to runtime.
Maintain posture management and gain visibility into your dynamic K8s environment. Provide CI tools for DevOps to scan container images in development. Govern all cluster operations with a central admissions controller and enforce least privileged access rights. Detect & block incidents in real time – ensure container integrity with active threat prevention
Check Point CloudGuardは、サーバレス セキュリティを自動化しつつ、アプリケーション開発者がサーバレスのメリットを活かして効率よく作業できるようにします。 振る舞い防御機能と最小権限の原則を適用することで、パフォーマンスにほぼ悪影響を与えることなく、サーバレス関数を自動的に保護します。 これによってセキュリティ ポスチャーを継続的に維持し、サーバレス関数を既知および未知の攻撃から保護しながら、コンプライアンスとガバナンスを保ちます。
CloudGuard AppSecは、従来とはまったく異なる新しいアプリケーション セキュリティを実現します。 CloudGuardは、機械学習と、特許申請中のコンテキストを踏まえたAIエンジンを使用して、アプリケーションの典型的な使われ方を学習。ユーザとアプリ コンテンツをプロファイリングし、その結果に基づいて各リクエストをスコアリングします。 このアプローチは、最高水準のアプリケーション セキュリティを保ちながら、誤検知を排除できることが実証されています。 導入から保護の適用までわずか数時間で完了するため、DevOpsチームの作業がどれだけ速くても、アプリケーション セキュリティを維持できます。
Whitepaper: Your Guide to Containers & Kubernetes Security DOWNLOAD NOW
Use CloudGuard’s ShiftLeft tool to further increase DevOps’ agility. Automate and streamline security and governance within DevOps pipelines to ensure that all code is security-centric. Reduce risk and prevent delays, with continuous code scanning for K8s, Lambda functions & Azure FunctionApps.
デモをリクエストするeBook: AWS Lambda Serverless Best Practices DOWNLOAD NOW
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