Servizi globali Infinity

Root Cause Analysis

Determining the root cause of a security incident or compromise enables you to eliminate previously unknown vulnerabilities or proactively deploy new defenses. Let our threat experts help you identify malicious activities in your environment and then trace them to their cause.

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  • Analyze incident artifacts: We’ll analyze the digital footprints left by the attacker to gain insight into intent, behavior and tactics.
  • Identify the attack chain: Analysis will uncover the steps the attacker took to advance through your infrastructure and ascertain intended targets.
  • Determine scope of activity: You’ll receive insight into the initial attack vectors as well as assess the extent of lateral movement within your network.



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The Check Point Emergency Response team is ready to respond when you call. If you are under attack, you can reach us by email or toll-free phone call:


Find a local toll-free number for your area here:
/support-services/threatcloud-incident-response/ – hotline

If you prefer to work with a local partner, call or email us and we’ll refer you to an expert in your area.

Most relevant roles
CISO, Responsabili delle operazioni di sicurezza informatica/Direttori Professionisti: Analisti SOC, Analisti di risposta agli incidenti, Investigatori forensi

Ideal number of participants
2-5 Professionisti

In Person & Virtual

Servizi globali Infinity

Check Point Infinity Global Services fornisce servizi di sicurezza end-to-end che ti consentono di accrescere le competenze del tuo team, progettare best practice e prevenire le minacce in tempo reale. Ovunque tu sia nel tuo percorso di sicurezza informatica, noi iniziamo da lì. I nostri esperti d'élite lavoreranno insieme al tuo team per portare la tua organizzazione al livello successivo di protezione e costruire il tuo piano di resilienza informatica.


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