Infinity Global Services

Analisi dei malware e reverse engineering

Malware has many uses for an attacker. Understanding the intent behind it is critical to preventing it from being used successfully against you. Although automated malware analysis tools can provide cursory insight, only human experts can analyze sophisticated malware designed to evade detection. Our expert analysis capabilities are based on global data collection, up-to-the-minute ThreatCloud threat intelligence. Reverse engineering enables us to analyze behaviors and exploitaion techniques in order to thwart malware’s purposes and help prevent future attacks.

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  • Respond rapidly: Expert Check Point analysts provide fast insight to accelerate effective response.
  • Combat the latest threats: With real-time visibility into the global malware landscape, we understand the very latest and emerging threats so that you can defend against them successfully.
  • Gain actionable recommendations: Receive recommendations for best practices and strategies to mitigate attacks, prevent widespread impact and facilitate remediation.



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The Check Point team prepares for success with in-depth engagement planning 2-4 weeks in advance of our onsite time. With a firm plan in hand, we’ll spend 20-40 hours, working with your team.

Dopo la visita, i nostri esperti analizzeranno i risultati e ti forniranno approfondimenti e raccomandazioni.

Most relevant roles
CISO, Responsabili delle operazioni di sicurezza informatica/Direttori Professionisti: Analisti SOC, Analisti di risposta agli incidenti, Investigatori forensi

Ideal number of participants
2-5 Professionisti

In Person & Virtual

Infinity Global Services

Check Point Infinity Global Services fornisce servizi di sicurezza end-to-end che ti consentono di accrescere le competenze del tuo team, progettare best practice e prevenire le minacce in tempo reale. Ovunque tu sia nel tuo percorso di sicurezza informatica, noi iniziamo da lì. I nostri esperti d'élite lavoreranno insieme al tuo team per portare la tua organizzazione al livello successivo di protezione e costruire il tuo piano di resilienza informatica.


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