Servizi globali Infinity

Valutazione e consulenza sulla Cyber Security Mesh Architecture (CSMA).

csma assessment aIn the ever-evolving cybersecurity landscape, two prominent concepts, the “Cyber Security Mesh Architecture (created by Gartner) and the Zero-Trust Framework (by NIST-CISA and Forrester),” stand out as game-changers in the industry. These approaches collectively empower organizations to fortify their digital environments against threats more effectively than traditional perimeter-based security models that are becoming less effective.
Check Point strategic consulting team has found a relationship between the Zero-Trust Maturity Model and CSMA.

csma assessment bIl modello di maturità Zero-Trust ci consente di guidare l'implementazione strategica dei principi Zero-Trust.

Allo stesso tempo, la Cyber Security Mesh Architecture rende operativi questi principi diffondendo i controlli di sicurezza nel panorama digitale.

Together, they provide a comprehensive approach to cybersecurity that promotes proactive risk management, continuous monitoring, and adaptive defense mechanisms, ultimately enhancing an organization’s ability to withstand and respond to evolving cyber threats.
“Information Security is a journey and not a destination.”

Our Consulting services provide the CSMA and Zero Trust maturity assessment and advisory workshops, where our team will review your current readiness to define appropriately the priorities and roadmap implementation.

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  • Identify the crown jewels: If you’re beginning, we’ll help you identify high-priority areas for protection.
  • Assess your current state (AS-IS): We’ll review your existing identity and access control environment and policies to determine how they fit in a zero-trust framework.
  • Visualize what’s next (TO-BE): We’ll help you prioritize zero trust strategy and CSMA implementation milestones to align with business objectives.
  • Plan the deployment: Receive a detailed plan and roadmap with defined next steps for implementation readiness and actual deployment

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The Check Point team prepares for success with in-depth engagement planning, up to six weeks in advance of our onsite time. With a firm plan in hand, we’ll spend one to three (1-3) days onsite, working with you to review and assess your environment.

Post-visit, our experts will analyze findings and present recommendations. The timeline for the report may vary, with completion typically expected within up to four (4) weeks, contingent on the assessment’s outcomes.

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Most relevant roles
Stakeholder chiave di diversi reparti

Ideal number of participants
2-5 Professionisti

Servizi globali Infinity

Check Point Infinity Global Services fornisce servizi di sicurezza end-to-end che ti consentono di accrescere le competenze del tuo team, progettare best practice e prevenire le minacce in tempo reale. Ovunque tu sia nel tuo percorso di sicurezza informatica, noi iniziamo da lì. I nostri esperti d'élite lavoreranno insieme al tuo team per portare la tua organizzazione al livello successivo di protezione e costruire il tuo piano di resilienza informatica.


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