Harmony Endpoint

Harmony Endpoint provides comprehensive endpoint protection at the highest level, which is crucial for avoiding security breaches and data compromises.

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360° endpoint protection with advanced capabilities — all in a single client

Harmony Endpoint è una soluzione Endpoint Security completa e consolidata con funzionalità EPP, EDR e XDR avanzate, creata per proteggere la forza lavoro remota dal complesso panorama delle minacce odierne.

  • Single Agent EPP, EDR & XDR, all in a single client and management console.
  • Flexible Management With an easy deployment for On-Prem, Cloud, or MSSP Management.
  • Extensive OS Support With wide range of supported Operating Systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Servers, VDI, Browsers and Mobile Devices
  • Threat Intelligence Check Point’s Threat Cloud Al provides Zero-Day protection with more than 60 AI engines.
Read the solution brief

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Protect Your Endpoints from Vulnerability Exploits

Per saperne di più

23%Increase in new vulnerabilities YoY
58%Vulnerabilities ranked high or critical
97Days average to test & deploy a patch

360° Endpoint Security - XDR - Harmony Endpoint

Protects against highly sophisticated threats

Cyberattacks are constantly increasing in volume and sophistication with a 38% rise in the number of cyberattacks year-over-year.

Why Harmony Endpoint

Harmony Endpoint protects against the most imminent threats:

  • Ransomware & malware protection: Fortifying organizational data against sophisticated ransomware attacks.
  • Posture management: Reduce the attack surface with automated vulnerability & patch management.
  • Zero-phishing & browser protection: Blocks the most sophisticated phishing attacks with zero impact on end users.
  • Data protection: Safeguarding Sensitive Data Loss with advance DLP. Capabilities and unique Full Disc Encryption, to keep valuable data safe and maintain compliance and regulation

Proteggi lo spazio di lavoro

Proteggi i tuoi utenti e il tuo dispositivo. Consenti ai tuoi dipendenti di concentrarsi sul portare a termine il lavoro.

La risorsa in primo piano Harmony
Harmony Email & Collaboration

Impedisce alle e-mail dannose di raggiungere le caselle di posta, proteggendosi dal vettore di attacco n. 1 per gli autori delle minacce.

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Harmony Mobile

Protezione completa contro tutti i vettori di attacco mobile, inclusi gli SMS

Garantisci la sicurezza dei tuoi dati aziendali proteggendo i dispositivi mobili da tutti i vettori di attacco: app, file, rete e sistemi operativi

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Harmony SASE

Sicurezza internet 2 volte più veloce

Gestione SASE e prevenzione delle minacce semplificate e unificate

Explore More About Harmony Endpoint

harmony email collaborazione

Rileva automaticamente, assegna priorità e correggi le vulnerabilità

Learn how Harmony Endpoint automatically detect vulnerabilities and remediate those weaknesses, enterprise-wide, in a single click.

Watch now

The CISO’s guide to Ransomware Prevention

Learn about the rising ransomware trends and discover how to navigate the security challenges.


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