Extended Prevention & Response

Quickly uncover and prevent cyberattacks by correlating events across your entire security estate and applying ThreatCloud AI, CP<r> and third-party threat intelligence.

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AI-Powered, Cloud-Delivered Security Operations

Comprehensive prevention spanning your entire security infrastructure, covering endpoints, network, mobile devices, email, and the cloud.

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Comprehensive Threat Prevention

Highly accurate threat prevention across your networks, endpoints, mobiles, cloud, and email.

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Collaborative Threat & Event Correlation

Powered by collaborative, intelligent AI that gathers data points from the customer’s environment and Check Point’s 150,000 gateways and millions of endpoints.

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Consolidated Analytics

Improve security posture with visibility into attack behavior, context, and damage.

AI–Powered, Automated Security Collaboration

Infinity XDR/XPR immediately blocks cyber threats and prevents them from propagating across additional entities.

Infinity XDR Infographic

Infinity Platform Includes


Extend the reach of siloed security systems to stop attacks across your enterprise, with automation and collaboration of security products, people, and processes.


Complete event unification and visibility across all Check Point products for efficient monitoring, search, and threat hunting.


Prevention-first MDR offering complete, powerful SOC operations as a service.

ThreatCloud AI

When you are using Check Point to secure your business, you gain accurate prevention against the most advanced attacks.

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XDR Extended Detection & Response White Paper

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2023 Frost Radar

Frost Radar™

2023 Frost Radar™ Extended Detection and Response Report. Infinity XDR/XPR has been named an Innovation and Growth Leader in the Frost Radar™ Extended Detection and Response, 2023 report.

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