Sub-Processors List

If you wish to receive updates regarding our Sub-Processors list, please subscribe here.

Below is a list of sub-processors that Check Point may use in accordance with the terms of Check Point’s Privacy Policy.

General (may be used in all Check Point’s products and services)

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Amazon Web Services, Inc. (AWS) US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada* Cloud Hosting Services, Telephone Center, Support calls
Microsoft Azure US/EU/ Australia/Singapore/India/Canada* Data Storage and Diagnostics
SalesForce EU Customer Relationship Management and Support
IBM Aspera EU Support
Google US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * 3rd Party URL Reputation Service
Twilio/SendGrid US Authentication, Notifications and Database Connection
OwnBackup EU Backup & Archive Services
Check Point’s Affiliates US/Canada/India/Philippines/Location of the service Support and Professional Services

* For supporting products and services, the hosting location will be determined per the customer’s region or selection. For certain products only a limited selection of US and EU will be available.


Check Point may use the following additional sub-processors per each specific product or service mentioned below:


Quantum Security Gateway – no additional sub-processors.

Quantum Managementno additional sub-processors.

Quantum Edge no additional sub-processors.

Quantum IoT Protect

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Fing EU Device Recognition

Quantum SD-WANno additional sub-processors.

Quantum Spark

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Fing EU Device Recognition



CloudGuard Network – no additional sub-processors.

CloudGuard CNAPP Posture Management (previously known as Dome9)

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Sumo Logic US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Connectivity, Monitoring, Logging and Analytics
Intercom US Support Services

CloudGuard Spectral

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Mixpanel US/EU * Usage Information and Product Analytics
Hotjar EU Usage Information and Product Analytics
Sentry US Error Tracking in Production
Heroku US/EU/Australia * Application Hosting
NewRelic US APM – Monitoring
Hubspot US Customer Management

CloudGuard Intelligence Pro – no additional sub-processors.

CloudGuard WAF

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Mongo (DB) US/EU/Australia/India * Cloud Hosting Services (Storage and backup)
Elasticsesrch (Kibana) US/EU/Australia/India * Search Functionality

* For supporting products and services, the hosting location will be determined per the customer’s region or selection. For certain products only a limited selection of US and EU will be available.



Harmony Email & Collaboration; Avanan

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Data Loss Prevention inspection

Harmony Mobile

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Cloud Hosting Services (Data Storage & Analytics)

Harmony Endpoint

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Google Cloud Platform (GCP) US/EU/Australia/India/UAE * Cloud Hosting Services (Data Storage & Analytics)
Elasticsesrch (Kibana) US/EU/Australia/India/UAE * Search Functionality

Harmony Connect (including Odo) – Internet Access

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
Elasticsearch (Kibana) US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Logging (ODO logs) US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Logging
Auth0 (ODO) US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * User Managements
BitBucket US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Code Managements
CodeFresh US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * CD Platform
Monday EU Ticket Management

* For supporting products and services, the hosting location will be determined per the customer’s region or selection. For certain products only a limited selection of US and EU will be available.

Harmony SASE

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
MongoDB Atlas US/EU ** Cloud Service Provider
G-Suite (Google Workspace) EU Email and Cloud Services
Intercom US Online Chat Services
Snowflake US/EU ** Cloud Service Provider
Chargebee EU Billing and Collection Services
Delighted EU Satisfaction Surveys (NPS)
Freshworks EU Support System
Allbound US Partner Portal Platform
DataDog EU Infrastructure Monitoring

** EU to be supported starting 2024. The location for new customers will be determined per the customer’s region.



Infinity XDR/XPR

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
MongoDB Atlas US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada * Data Storage and Backup

Infinity Platform ERM (External Risk Management)/ Cyberint – no additional sub-processors.

* For supporting products and services, the hosting location will be determined per the customer’s region or selection. For certain products only a limited selection of US and EU will be available.

The sub-processors listed below are used for limited processes of customers and partners data management, however, are not used for the products and\or services themselves:

Sub-processor Data Processing Location Purpose
6 Sense US Marketing
Outreach US Sales Management Platform
SAP EU Order processing
Litmos EU Partners Training Platform
Custify EU Cloud Platform
Clari EU Revenue Platform
Microsoft Office 365 EU Microsoft Office Products
Adobe (Marketo) US Marketing (Leads and Contacts)
DocuSign EU Contract Signing Platform
Calendly US Scheduling Automation Platform
Survey Monkey US Surveys Platform
Chili Piper US Calendar Services
ContractSafe EU​ Contract Backup Platform
X-Find US Customer Support Knowledge Utilization Tool
Maxmind, Inc. US Marketing updates for Harmony Email & Collaboration and Avanan
Hubspot US Marketing updates for Harmony Email & Collaboration and Avanan
Red Education Australia Training and learning sessions offers
Arrow UK EU Training and learning sessions offers
Google Analytics US/EU/Australia/Singapore/India/Canada* Obfuscated identifier for Infinity Portal data

* For supporting products and services, the hosting location will be determined per the customer’s region or selection.


  1. Check Point may update this list from time to time, as to be published on this page.
  2. This list covers only the products and services mentioned above. If the product you are inquiring about is not listed above, please contact your designated representative for further information on the relevant sub-processors.
  3. For special programs, webinars, physical events and trainings, additional ad-hoc sub-processors may be used.
  4. The above list covers only sub-processors which are relevant for Check Point’s customers, resellers and distributors.
  5. For any question regarding this page, please contact




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