Services mondiaux Infinity

Évaluation de la sécurité du cloud

In today’s digital age, businesses are rapidly transitioning to cloud infrastructures to leverage scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, with this transition comes a myriad of security challenges, challenges that can be overcome with proper planning and an understanding of potential pitfalls. Based on the Cloud Controls Matrix (CCM) by CSA, a comprehensive framework for assessing, enhancing, and monitoring the security posture of cloud services, Check Point assessment service will help you build a robust transformation plan for your cloud security program.

Évaluation de la sécurité du cloud

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Our assessment and advisory services offers clients a realistic and pragmatic approach to cloud transformation supported by across functional team of industry experts and backed by the Cloud Security Maturity Model (CSMM). Our vendor agnostic service applies a structured framework-based process to assess, improve, and maintain your cloud security posture. The service delivers:

  • Security Assessment and Gap Analysis: Evaluating the current cloud security posture and identifying gaps compared to industry benchmarks and best practices.
  • Risk Assessment and Prioritization: Identifying and prioritizing risks to focus on mitigating the most critical vulnerabilities.
  • Compliance Review and Advisory: Ensuring alignment with relevant regulatory requirements (NIST, CIS, ISO27001, NIS2) and industry standards.
  • Cloud Security Posture Assessment: assess and analysie Cloud security missmath confhitatrtiyons acroding to the best pracices for Cloud infrastructure, SaaS posture and Kuberenbetes usage.
  • Strategic Security Roadmap Development: Creating a strategic and actionable roadmap for improving cloud security maturity over time.
  • Customized Security Recommendations: Providing tailored advice and recommendations based on the organization’s unique business context and needs.
  • CNAPP and Cloud Security Architecture: Creating target high level Cloud Security Architecture blueprint based on the CNAPP model and relevant cloud security native technologies.



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The Check Point team prepares for success with in-depth engagement planning up to six weeks before our onsite time. With a firm plan, we’ll spend one day onsite, working with you on the following activities:

  • Deploy: Leverage Check Point technology platforms to collect data on your cloud security configuration, allowing real world configuration data to be included in the assessment dataset, alongside this the assessment team will define the client teams ownership of assessment controls.
  • Collect: interview and workshop sessions for data collection and interview, where necessary controls are evidenced, on average the process is completed within 2-5 working days
  • Analysis: Check Point Architecture team from Risk, compliance and cloud teams analysis data collected manually and though our technology and define risk register and maturity level
  • Reporting: document preparation including a comprehensive document outlining the current state of cloud security, including identified vulnerabilities, gaps, and risks.
    • Risk Assessment Matrix: : A detailed matrix categorizing and prioritizing identified risks based on their potential impact and likelihood.
    • Compliance Assessment Document: A report detailing the organization’s compliance status with relevant regulations and standards and any gaps.
    • Cloud Security Roadmap: A strategic document outlining a step-by-step plan for improving cloud security maturity, including short-term and long-term initiatives.
    • High Level Target Cloud security design: cloud security architecture blueprint and CNAPP implementation plan.
    • Recommendation Action Plan: A list of customized recommendations and best practices tailored to the organization’s specific context, with actionable steps for implementation.
    • Continuous Improvement Plan: A framework or guideline for ongoing monitoring, assessment, and enhancement of cloud security practices, including metrics and KPIs for measurement.

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Most relevant roles
CISO, CIO, Compliance Officer, Risk Manager, Cloud Architect, Cloud Security Consultant/Advisor, Security Architects

Ideal number of participants
2 à 5 professionnels

Services mondiaux Infinity

Point de contrôle Infinity Global Services fournit des services de sécurité de bout en bout qui vous permettent de développer l’expertise de votre équipe, de concevoir les meilleures pratiques et de prévenir les menaces en temps réel. Où que vous en soyez dans votre parcours en matière de cybersécurité, nous commençons par là. Nos experts d'élite travailleront avec votre équipe pour faire passer votre organisation au niveau de protection supérieur et élaborer votre plan de cyberrésilience.

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