Connecting branch SD-WAN’s directly to the cloud significantly increases security risks. Branches need enterprise grade security to protect themselves against sophisticated Gen V cyber attacks.
Check Point Harmony Connect and Quantum Edge secure Citrix SD-WAN connections to the cloud with top-rated threat prevention, quick and easy deployment, and unified management saving up to 40% in OpEx.
Check Point and Citrix Secure Cloud-Delivered SD-WANDOWNLOAD NOW
NSS Top-Rated Threat Prevention with 100% Cyber Attack Catch Rate
Five-Minutes to Protect your SD-WAN from the Cloud or On-Premises
Sucursales y puntos de venta donde el espacio es limitado y
sin recursos locales de TI.
Sucursales donde la privacidad de ubicación de los datos o tráfico de la red
requieren seguridad de manera local.
“Companies have been forced to accelerate the transition of their networks to cloud and SaaS to enable better application performance and visibility and security needs to adapt with them. Together with Check Point Software Technologies, we can deliver an advanced SD-WAN solution that protects organizations as their workspaces and applications as they make the shift.”
– Chalan Aras, Vice President, SD-WAN and Intelligent Traffic Management, Citrix
Secures incoming and outgoing connections, maintain privacy
and compliance
Citrix and Check Point Harmony Connect securely connect your branch offices to the Cloud
Zero Trust para la era del trabajo remoto, la nube y BYOD
OBTENER LA GUÍAAprenda las mejores prácticas para proteger a los usuarios y los datos a medida que adopta una fuerza laboral híbrida en 2022. Vea cómo una puerta de enlace web segura y un firewall como servicio unificados ofrecen los más altos estándares de seguridad y productividad.