Cloud-Native Application Protection Platform (CNAPP) is a cloud-native security model that encompasses Cloud Security Posture Management (CSPM), Cloud Service Network Security (CSNS), and Cloud Workload Protection Platform (CWPP) in a single holistic platform.

Transform your CNAPP platforms with our experienced global Managed Services. Our team specializes in managing and optimizing platforms like Check Point CloudGuard Network Security, Workload Protection, AppSec, and Threat Intelligence. Other platforms are also supported such as Check Point Harmony Email and Collaboration, Microsoft 365 Defender for Cloud, and other 3rd party vendors.

Our comprehensive managed services scope covers all aspects of your CNAPP Platforms, including: monitoring, configurations, policy tuning, incident management, and troubleshooting, providing a seamless integration with your organization’s IT and InfoSec operations.

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  • Network Security: Delivers cloud-native network security. With Cloud Network Security, enterprises are able to macro- and micro-segment their assets across cloud providers and on-premises infrastructure with advanced features such as DoS protection, NGFW, API protection, and SSL\TLS inspectionEnhanced Visibility: Offer a centralized view of the entire application infrastructure, including traffic, components, and configurations.
  • Cloud Workload Protection: Enables true “shift-left” security by integrating with CI/CD pipelines, implementing source code and infrastructure as code (IaC) scanning, and protecting workloads running on virtual machines, containers, and serverless platforms. Cloud Workload Protection is purpose-built to enable security, compliance, and visibility for modern applications wherever they run.
  • Cloud Threat Intelligence: Achieves a deeper layer of security and insight with intrusion detection, threat hunting, and remediation. Cloud Threat Intelligence provides the necessary security context, correlating information from cloud inventory and configuration, account activity, network traffic logs and additional threat feeds, such as Check Point ThreatCloud AI, IP reputation and geo databases to portray one complete and accurate picture. Easily identify unwanted traffic and suspicious activity through automated alerts and anomaly detection.




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The first step is to understand the specific needs of the organization. This involves evaluating the current CNAPP requirements, infrastructure, identifying pain points, and determining the organization’s goals and budget. Our team will then work with you to configure and maintain your CNAPP platforms to ensure they are functioning effectively and securely.


Most relevant roles
CISO, CIO, CTO, Director of Security, SOC and NOC Directors

Ideal number of participants
2-5 Profesionales

Servicios Globales de Infinity

Check Point Infinity Global Services proporciona servicios de seguridad integrales que le permiten aumentar la experiencia de su equipo, diseñar las mejores prácticas y prevenir las amenazas en tiempo real. Dondequiera que se encuentre en su viaje de ciberseguridad, comenzamos allí. Nuestros expertos de élite trabajarán junto con su equipo para llevar a su organización al siguiente nivel de protección y construir su plan de resiliencia cibernética.


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